It’s been a very long time we saw each
other. Well more than a decade ago. He
was a colleague that used to inspire me.
He was very hardworking, intelligent and
go-getting. He had great ambitions about
what he’d want to achieve in life. He
spoke with so much wisdom and he was
very up to date regarding trends and
developments in our industry. He was
good in management and administration.
He was a team player and quite likable.
He was just someone I believed had no
reasons to fail or trail behind in life. He
had the looks, could speak well, was
influential, was charismatic and was
quite good looking. He looked good and
sounded well enough for good success.
Running into him after almost 10 years
was for me a bit of a negative surprise
and disappointment. He looked nothing
like the future I pictured of him. He was
still in paid employment after more than
25 years. A senior manager though, but
nothing more to show. He looked
somewhat haggard and tired, overworked,
used and spent. He didn’t have much of
personal stuff to show for many years of
work except official this, official that –
perks that will vanish immediately after
retirement. And yes, he’s built his
personal house with a loan from the
company. And it just flashed through my
mind that many people I know, half his
age have built several houses and are
still building some more. Not with official
He was quite excited to see me though,
and he praised my career progress and
how much I’ve changed physically too.
He then began to lament about his life,
his struggles and how things never really
worked out as planned or anticipated.
Most of his arguments were pointers to
the fact that he held elements and
conditions beyond his own control
responsible for his success in life. He
assumed his employers owed him, the
industry owed him and life owed him for
his hard work, knowledge, dedication and
passion. He believed also he’s earned
success through diligent service and
automatically, he deserved a good reward
from life for paying his dues. Many of us
believe this about life but unfortunately,
it’s not the reality.
That unfortunately was the problem, that
faulty assumption that life owed him for
being hardworking is the reason for his
stagnation and frustration.
Dear friend, it is quite risky to put your
trust and hope in situations, people,
conditions and structures that are in
themselves unstable and undependable.
Nations fail, companies collapse,
institutions abate, conditions change,
people disappoint and life in general is
dynamic. Nothing in this life is constant
except change. Building your life entirely
on temporary structures, evolving
institutions, time-bound employments,
insecure systems and changing policies
may not be a smart resolve.
Ladies and gentlemen, life is not
designed to make you successful. If life
makes you, life can unmake you. You are
designed to make your own life
successful, to give your life a meaning
and good essence.
Back in the days many years ago while
still in school, math was an interesting
subject for me because it was about
solving problems. It’s a fantastic and
relevant subject because this life also is
all about solving problems and getting
paid for it. And the people with the
correct answers are the champions in
I didn’t like math a lot because I found it
quite difficult. However, any math
problem that had a formula was a delight
for me. I need not crack my brain too
much to find the answers, all I needed to
do was apply the formula and I will
definitely arrive at the right answers.
I remember some important formulas like
BODMAS, laws of Indices, Logarithms,
and Surds and many other math
Looking at it, many people of old had
looked at a problem, worked very hard,
invested time and intelligence into
solving the problem and eventually
derived a formula for solving the
problem. The efforts of all these brilliant
mathematicians consequently made
solving many problems easier and made
the answers easier to come by because
they provided formulas.
Ladies and gentlemen, the power for
progress and success in life is not
contained in situations and conditions
around you, no. It’s not in the economic
situation, not in your employment, not in
your connection or hard work, the power
for success and progress is contained in
the formulas for winning in life.
Many of us keep working hard to derive
formulas that already exist. There are
rules, principles and guidelines for good
success in life. But somehow, we just
don’t want to apply them, we believe
there must be another way, our preferred
way of achieving the results, arriving at
answers without applying established
Ladies and gentlemen, it doesn’t matter
how hardworking you are, how much you
know, how intelligent you are or how
charismatic you are. If you ignore the
established rules for finding answers in
life, correct answers will keep eluding
Wishing for answers, praying for answers,
hoping for answers and just believing
you’ll have answers will fail if you don’t
go for the answers.
Accidental success is when you don’t
apply the formula and still arrive at the
correct answer, yes sometimes it
happens; sustainable success however is
in the right application of the formula for
success at anything.
My dear friend, what do you want? What
do you need? How much do you want?
What is your dream? What is your vision?
When do you intend to manifest? What is
the essence, purpose and meaning of
your life? Are you satisfied, contented
and fulfilled? Do you have a secured and
guaranteed future of stable income,
wealth and comfort at old age? Or all
these, you have placed in the hands of
temporary structures, people, situations
and conditions? In 10 years will all your
supporting structures and factors still be
solidly on ground?
When did you start dreaming, how old are
you now? Are your dreams gone? Do you
have the means to accomplishing these
dreams? Are you truly living or just
surviving? Are you chasing success or
just security? Are you trading your own
power, ability, possibilities and
capabilities for help, support, handouts
and livelihood from people and
institutions that are in themselves,
insecure and passing away?
Ladies and gentlemen, I think it’s time
you take charge of your own life.
Everything you want in this life has got a
formula. Find them, learn them and most
of all, apply them. Many of us know
many things, of course we sure do, but
the will to apply is what is missing.
Dear friend, it is time for you to do the
needful. Time is running out, you’re
getting physically weaker, your
responsibilities are climbing, your income
may not be growing at the same pace as
your expenses, what then are your plans
for solving a financial crisis waiting to
happen? Prayer? Yes prayer is very good,
but its purpose is to reveal to you what
to do, so after a revelation, there must
be action for there to be good results,
dear friend, where are your actions?
The number one formula for success in
life is taking full responsibility for
anything that is working or not working in
your life. Blaming anything or anyone will
never improve your situation.
Number two formula is obtaining enough
knowledge about that which you dream
of and want to do or become in life.
Prophesies and prayers fail when
knowledge is missing. My people perish
for lack of knowledge. Many of us don’t
read and when we do we love to read
feel good motivational and inspirational
books instead of professional and
educational books that will improve our
ability, skills and professional knowledge.
Number three formula is hard work. For
truly ambitious people, the opposite of
hard work is not laziness, the opposite of
hard work is easy work. Not all work
leads to profit. Hard work is doing what
you have to, not what you want to, so do
the needful, not the convenient.
Number four formula is courage. He that
is fearful cannot amount to much in life.
You must develop the courage to walk
away from people, employments,
situations, conditions, and even
fellowships capable of bringing you
emptiness and nothingness in future. No
matter how convenient, delightful,
comforting and soothing a situation is
today, if the future holds no promise for
financial, emotional, health, social and
spiritual security, please let it go. That
my friend is courage.
Ladies and gentlemen, don’t let life
manage you, you, manage life, take
control, apply the formulas and get your
correct answers.
other. Well more than a decade ago. He
was a colleague that used to inspire me.
He was very hardworking, intelligent and
go-getting. He had great ambitions about
what he’d want to achieve in life. He
spoke with so much wisdom and he was
very up to date regarding trends and
developments in our industry. He was
good in management and administration.
He was a team player and quite likable.
He was just someone I believed had no
reasons to fail or trail behind in life. He
had the looks, could speak well, was
influential, was charismatic and was
quite good looking. He looked good and
sounded well enough for good success.
Running into him after almost 10 years
was for me a bit of a negative surprise
and disappointment. He looked nothing
like the future I pictured of him. He was
still in paid employment after more than
25 years. A senior manager though, but
nothing more to show. He looked
somewhat haggard and tired, overworked,
used and spent. He didn’t have much of
personal stuff to show for many years of
work except official this, official that –
perks that will vanish immediately after
retirement. And yes, he’s built his
personal house with a loan from the
company. And it just flashed through my
mind that many people I know, half his
age have built several houses and are
still building some more. Not with official
He was quite excited to see me though,
and he praised my career progress and
how much I’ve changed physically too.
He then began to lament about his life,
his struggles and how things never really
worked out as planned or anticipated.
Most of his arguments were pointers to
the fact that he held elements and
conditions beyond his own control
responsible for his success in life. He
assumed his employers owed him, the
industry owed him and life owed him for
his hard work, knowledge, dedication and
passion. He believed also he’s earned
success through diligent service and
automatically, he deserved a good reward
from life for paying his dues. Many of us
believe this about life but unfortunately,
it’s not the reality.
That unfortunately was the problem, that
faulty assumption that life owed him for
being hardworking is the reason for his
stagnation and frustration.
Dear friend, it is quite risky to put your
trust and hope in situations, people,
conditions and structures that are in
themselves unstable and undependable.
Nations fail, companies collapse,
institutions abate, conditions change,
people disappoint and life in general is
dynamic. Nothing in this life is constant
except change. Building your life entirely
on temporary structures, evolving
institutions, time-bound employments,
insecure systems and changing policies
may not be a smart resolve.
Ladies and gentlemen, life is not
designed to make you successful. If life
makes you, life can unmake you. You are
designed to make your own life
successful, to give your life a meaning
and good essence.
Back in the days many years ago while
still in school, math was an interesting
subject for me because it was about
solving problems. It’s a fantastic and
relevant subject because this life also is
all about solving problems and getting
paid for it. And the people with the
correct answers are the champions in
I didn’t like math a lot because I found it
quite difficult. However, any math
problem that had a formula was a delight
for me. I need not crack my brain too
much to find the answers, all I needed to
do was apply the formula and I will
definitely arrive at the right answers.
I remember some important formulas like
BODMAS, laws of Indices, Logarithms,
and Surds and many other math
Looking at it, many people of old had
looked at a problem, worked very hard,
invested time and intelligence into
solving the problem and eventually
derived a formula for solving the
problem. The efforts of all these brilliant
mathematicians consequently made
solving many problems easier and made
the answers easier to come by because
they provided formulas.
Ladies and gentlemen, the power for
progress and success in life is not
contained in situations and conditions
around you, no. It’s not in the economic
situation, not in your employment, not in
your connection or hard work, the power
for success and progress is contained in
the formulas for winning in life.
Many of us keep working hard to derive
formulas that already exist. There are
rules, principles and guidelines for good
success in life. But somehow, we just
don’t want to apply them, we believe
there must be another way, our preferred
way of achieving the results, arriving at
answers without applying established
Ladies and gentlemen, it doesn’t matter
how hardworking you are, how much you
know, how intelligent you are or how
charismatic you are. If you ignore the
established rules for finding answers in
life, correct answers will keep eluding
Wishing for answers, praying for answers,
hoping for answers and just believing
you’ll have answers will fail if you don’t
go for the answers.
Accidental success is when you don’t
apply the formula and still arrive at the
correct answer, yes sometimes it
happens; sustainable success however is
in the right application of the formula for
success at anything.
My dear friend, what do you want? What
do you need? How much do you want?
What is your dream? What is your vision?
When do you intend to manifest? What is
the essence, purpose and meaning of
your life? Are you satisfied, contented
and fulfilled? Do you have a secured and
guaranteed future of stable income,
wealth and comfort at old age? Or all
these, you have placed in the hands of
temporary structures, people, situations
and conditions? In 10 years will all your
supporting structures and factors still be
solidly on ground?
When did you start dreaming, how old are
you now? Are your dreams gone? Do you
have the means to accomplishing these
dreams? Are you truly living or just
surviving? Are you chasing success or
just security? Are you trading your own
power, ability, possibilities and
capabilities for help, support, handouts
and livelihood from people and
institutions that are in themselves,
insecure and passing away?
Ladies and gentlemen, I think it’s time
you take charge of your own life.
Everything you want in this life has got a
formula. Find them, learn them and most
of all, apply them. Many of us know
many things, of course we sure do, but
the will to apply is what is missing.
Dear friend, it is time for you to do the
needful. Time is running out, you’re
getting physically weaker, your
responsibilities are climbing, your income
may not be growing at the same pace as
your expenses, what then are your plans
for solving a financial crisis waiting to
happen? Prayer? Yes prayer is very good,
but its purpose is to reveal to you what
to do, so after a revelation, there must
be action for there to be good results,
dear friend, where are your actions?
The number one formula for success in
life is taking full responsibility for
anything that is working or not working in
your life. Blaming anything or anyone will
never improve your situation.
Number two formula is obtaining enough
knowledge about that which you dream
of and want to do or become in life.
Prophesies and prayers fail when
knowledge is missing. My people perish
for lack of knowledge. Many of us don’t
read and when we do we love to read
feel good motivational and inspirational
books instead of professional and
educational books that will improve our
ability, skills and professional knowledge.
Number three formula is hard work. For
truly ambitious people, the opposite of
hard work is not laziness, the opposite of
hard work is easy work. Not all work
leads to profit. Hard work is doing what
you have to, not what you want to, so do
the needful, not the convenient.
Number four formula is courage. He that
is fearful cannot amount to much in life.
You must develop the courage to walk
away from people, employments,
situations, conditions, and even
fellowships capable of bringing you
emptiness and nothingness in future. No
matter how convenient, delightful,
comforting and soothing a situation is
today, if the future holds no promise for
financial, emotional, health, social and
spiritual security, please let it go. That
my friend is courage.
Ladies and gentlemen, don’t let life
manage you, you, manage life, take
control, apply the formulas and get your
correct answers.
Saint Gabriel Concept
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