One of the most deceitful beliefs with
humans is the idea that money can take
care of most issues in one’s life.
The deceitfulness of riches is to believe
it can make you a better individual.
Money can answer many things except
who you are. Money lacks the power to
solve your character problems,
personality flaws and identity crisis.
Money can package you well and make
people think and assume all is well with
you but I assure you, deep in within,
you’ll know you’re still lacking something
vital despite all you have. There will be
this void money will not be able to fill.
Money lacks the power to transform you,
it can only package you well and get you
things; money lacks the power to make
you a better human being.
To live is different from being alive.
Many have a reputation for living but in
reality they are just existing. They are
bereft of what it truly means to live.
Many pass through this world but never
truly live. They go through life without
the satisfaction that comes with life.
Many live their lives in measures far
below what is possible and acceptable.
You can live life abundantly and also live
life insufficiently. The essence of life, the
beauty of life, the fulfilment in life is a
life lived in real joy, peace, happiness,
fulfilment and with an unflinching
courage to face death when it is time to
go. Money has no answer for the grave,
money has no answer for terminal illness,
money has no answer for aging and
money is useless after you’re dead, your
reputation and legacy is what lives on
when you’re dead.
Do you want to live a life of happiness?
Do you want to live a great life? Are you
tired of pain, frustration, stress,
depression, emptiness, contest and
competition? Are you tired of your
weaknesses, limitations, bad habits and
self-hate? Do you want to truly live? I’ll
want to quickly share some real keys to
living a full life. Living a life of fullness
and meaning have got some critical keys,
let me share them with you this morning.
Love is the most powerful force in the
world. Love is the only solution to
humanity crisis. Love is a combination of
feelings and/or actions. Love is
incomplete at the level of feelings, but is
totally complete when there is action
even if the feelings aren’t there. Love is
primarily how you treat other people.
love others, you must love yourself first.
Loving yourself is accepting yourself
despite your flaws and weaknesses. If
you can’t tolerate yourself, you can’t
tolerate others, if you can’t love yourself
you can’t love others. If you won’t
accept yourself, you’ll be quick to judge
and condemn others. Love is treating
people right, not as they like. Love is
about building people up, not indulging
their indiscipline or self-hate leading
them to self-destruction. Love is bringing
out the best in oneself and others. Love
is treating people right even if they don’t
like you. Love is powerful.
Joy is not really a feeling, it’s a positive
force that brings calmness and
comportment; eliminating guilt, self-
condemnation and self-hate. Joy is when
there is an alignment between what your
Spirit wants, what your soul receives and
what your body does. Joy is released
when your soul and flesh obeys your
spirit. Joy is an energy produced when
your tripartite nature agrees as one.
Peace is not the absence of crisis or
chaos in the world or in your life. Peace
is an inner feeling of an assurance that
at the end, all thing will work out in your
favor. Peace is a product of trust. Trust
is an outcome of believe and focus on
the positive side of life. Peace is
produced through positive expectations,
confessions, thinking and actions. When
you’re moral and you strife to retain a
good conscience, you’ll have peace.
Patience is accepting the fact that
everything in life grows. Everything in life
takes time. Patience is the ability to wait,
ability to delay gratification and tolerate
others in their growth processes.
Patience is not just the ability to wait,
but your attitude while you’re waiting.
Patience is the ability to grow into your
goals instead of chasing your goals.
Patience is taking the time and discipline
to earn, rather than rushing to obtain
what you’re not ready and thoroughly
prepared for. Patience builds in you the
capacity to retain.
Being kind is simply the restrain from
judging people on a matter before we
fully understand or before its fullness of
time. Not every divorcee is a bad wife or
a bad husband. Not everyone with a child
outside of wedlock was promiscuous, not
every poor person is lazy, not every
cancer patient live a careless unhealthy
life; not every HIV/AIDs victim got it
through sex. Not every man of God is a
fraudster, not every old aggressive
woman in the village is a witch, not every
step mother is wicked, and not all
mothers in law are mean. No matter how
bad a person or situation looks, kindness
is not judging anything till all the facts
are in place.
Goodness is developing a passion for
high quality. Goodness is shunning
mediocrity and doing everything with a
spirit of excellence. Goodness is not just
being nice to people, it’s also being nice
to things, being nice to your job, being
nice to your properties, being nice to
animals, the planet in whole. Treat your
clothes well, your house well, your
devices well, your shoes well, your hair
well, your nails, the interior and exterior
of your car. Don’t just respect people,
respect things. Whatever it is you choose
to do in life, be good at it. Don’t be a
mediocre, be good.
Faithfulness is simply the ability to
remain loyal to a vision, ambition,
purpose and original intent. Faithfulness
is the decision to remain committed
despite oppositions, obstacles,
disappointments, criticism, great trails
and temptations. Please get this,
faithfulness is not the commitment to a
person or vision that has derailed,
faithfulness is the decision to remain
committed to an original purpose, intent
and vision. Following a derailed person,
vision, mission or purpose is
This is simply the ability to remain calm,
cool and collected even when everything
goes haywire. Being abrasive, aggressive,
disrespectful, forceful and noisy makes
you look cheap and desperate even if
you’re right. Being gentle is not a sign of
cowardice, it’s a powerful strategy.
Gentility is a powerful key.
Self-control is simply the ability and
determination to change yourself. It’s the
power to say no to destructive things
your body craves for. Self-control is the
ability to change yourself when it
becomes impossible to change a
situation. Self-control is simply positive
Ladies and gentlemen, these are the
keys to living. Having these keys will
bring you what money can never bring
you. And guess what, if you have these,
all the laws of nature will bow to you
‘cos against these keys there are no
laws; even the law of riches and
prosperity will bow. Dear friends,
it’s time
to live.
humans is the idea that money can take
care of most issues in one’s life.
The deceitfulness of riches is to believe
it can make you a better individual.
Money can answer many things except
who you are. Money lacks the power to
solve your character problems,
personality flaws and identity crisis.
Money can package you well and make
people think and assume all is well with
you but I assure you, deep in within,
you’ll know you’re still lacking something
vital despite all you have. There will be
this void money will not be able to fill.
Money lacks the power to transform you,
it can only package you well and get you
things; money lacks the power to make
you a better human being.
To live is different from being alive.
Many have a reputation for living but in
reality they are just existing. They are
bereft of what it truly means to live.
Many pass through this world but never
truly live. They go through life without
the satisfaction that comes with life.
Many live their lives in measures far
below what is possible and acceptable.
You can live life abundantly and also live
life insufficiently. The essence of life, the
beauty of life, the fulfilment in life is a
life lived in real joy, peace, happiness,
fulfilment and with an unflinching
courage to face death when it is time to
go. Money has no answer for the grave,
money has no answer for terminal illness,
money has no answer for aging and
money is useless after you’re dead, your
reputation and legacy is what lives on
when you’re dead.
Do you want to live a life of happiness?
Do you want to live a great life? Are you
tired of pain, frustration, stress,
depression, emptiness, contest and
competition? Are you tired of your
weaknesses, limitations, bad habits and
self-hate? Do you want to truly live? I’ll
want to quickly share some real keys to
living a full life. Living a life of fullness
and meaning have got some critical keys,
let me share them with you this morning.
Love is the most powerful force in the
world. Love is the only solution to
humanity crisis. Love is a combination of
feelings and/or actions. Love is
incomplete at the level of feelings, but is
totally complete when there is action
even if the feelings aren’t there. Love is
primarily how you treat other people.
love others, you must love yourself first.
Loving yourself is accepting yourself
despite your flaws and weaknesses. If
you can’t tolerate yourself, you can’t
tolerate others, if you can’t love yourself
you can’t love others. If you won’t
accept yourself, you’ll be quick to judge
and condemn others. Love is treating
people right, not as they like. Love is
about building people up, not indulging
their indiscipline or self-hate leading
them to self-destruction. Love is bringing
out the best in oneself and others. Love
is treating people right even if they don’t
like you. Love is powerful.
Joy is not really a feeling, it’s a positive
force that brings calmness and
comportment; eliminating guilt, self-
condemnation and self-hate. Joy is when
there is an alignment between what your
Spirit wants, what your soul receives and
what your body does. Joy is released
when your soul and flesh obeys your
spirit. Joy is an energy produced when
your tripartite nature agrees as one.
Peace is not the absence of crisis or
chaos in the world or in your life. Peace
is an inner feeling of an assurance that
at the end, all thing will work out in your
favor. Peace is a product of trust. Trust
is an outcome of believe and focus on
the positive side of life. Peace is
produced through positive expectations,
confessions, thinking and actions. When
you’re moral and you strife to retain a
good conscience, you’ll have peace.
Patience is accepting the fact that
everything in life grows. Everything in life
takes time. Patience is the ability to wait,
ability to delay gratification and tolerate
others in their growth processes.
Patience is not just the ability to wait,
but your attitude while you’re waiting.
Patience is the ability to grow into your
goals instead of chasing your goals.
Patience is taking the time and discipline
to earn, rather than rushing to obtain
what you’re not ready and thoroughly
prepared for. Patience builds in you the
capacity to retain.
Being kind is simply the restrain from
judging people on a matter before we
fully understand or before its fullness of
time. Not every divorcee is a bad wife or
a bad husband. Not everyone with a child
outside of wedlock was promiscuous, not
every poor person is lazy, not every
cancer patient live a careless unhealthy
life; not every HIV/AIDs victim got it
through sex. Not every man of God is a
fraudster, not every old aggressive
woman in the village is a witch, not every
step mother is wicked, and not all
mothers in law are mean. No matter how
bad a person or situation looks, kindness
is not judging anything till all the facts
are in place.
Goodness is developing a passion for
high quality. Goodness is shunning
mediocrity and doing everything with a
spirit of excellence. Goodness is not just
being nice to people, it’s also being nice
to things, being nice to your job, being
nice to your properties, being nice to
animals, the planet in whole. Treat your
clothes well, your house well, your
devices well, your shoes well, your hair
well, your nails, the interior and exterior
of your car. Don’t just respect people,
respect things. Whatever it is you choose
to do in life, be good at it. Don’t be a
mediocre, be good.
Faithfulness is simply the ability to
remain loyal to a vision, ambition,
purpose and original intent. Faithfulness
is the decision to remain committed
despite oppositions, obstacles,
disappointments, criticism, great trails
and temptations. Please get this,
faithfulness is not the commitment to a
person or vision that has derailed,
faithfulness is the decision to remain
committed to an original purpose, intent
and vision. Following a derailed person,
vision, mission or purpose is
This is simply the ability to remain calm,
cool and collected even when everything
goes haywire. Being abrasive, aggressive,
disrespectful, forceful and noisy makes
you look cheap and desperate even if
you’re right. Being gentle is not a sign of
cowardice, it’s a powerful strategy.
Gentility is a powerful key.
Self-control is simply the ability and
determination to change yourself. It’s the
power to say no to destructive things
your body craves for. Self-control is the
ability to change yourself when it
becomes impossible to change a
situation. Self-control is simply positive
Ladies and gentlemen, these are the
keys to living. Having these keys will
bring you what money can never bring
you. And guess what, if you have these,
all the laws of nature will bow to you
‘cos against these keys there are no
laws; even the law of riches and
prosperity will bow. Dear friends,
it’s time
to live.
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