Everybody thinks. We are all equipped
with brains for the purpose of thinking
which then leads to decision making and
actions. Most of our actions are
informed by the way we think, and even
most of our reflex actions are pre-
programmed based on thinking
interpretations and conclusions regarding
incidences of the past. That’s why what
scares us, what intimidates us and sets
us off on panic mode varies from one
person to another.
We all think, yes, we all do, but not all of
us have high quality thoughts. The
quality of our thinking varies from person
to person.
It’s possible to think and think wrong, it’s
possible to think and think destructively,
it’s possible to think and think
unprofitably. Incidentally your thinking
largely influences the direction of your
life. It’s a popular saying that as a man
thinks, so is he, this is actually a
summary of a process, it’s not absolute
in terms. As no matter how you think, if
you don’t follow your thinking with the
necessary and appropriate actions, the
thinking becomes impotent and your
outcomes and results in life will be very
different from your thinking. So you’re
not just what you think, you’re what you
think and also do.
The purpose of your thinking is to offer a
comfortable platform or framework upon
which coordinated actions can be taken
to achieve a pre-determined end. You
don’t just act, you think first, then you
act based on that line of thought.
If today you’re struggling in life, you’re
overwhelmed by situations, problems,
challenges, limitations and lack, I believe
it’s time you review your thinking quality.
My dear friend, how do you think? Your
mind and thinking pattern are susceptible
to external voices and influences, hence
if you desire success you should put a
leash on your mind in order to control
and channel your thinking towards the
right, productive and progressive
direction. What you see and hear every
day can influence and set the tone for
your thinking – either good or bad. That
is why you need to guard your mind and
thoughts and ensure your thinking is
operating at its optimum for productivity,
progress and victory.
It is very dangerous to allow your mind
roam freely. He who guards and
coordinates his thinking coordinates his
life. The operating system of your life is
your mind, your authenticity and
possibilities become shortchanged
without the power of identified and
deliberate thinking styles. Find following
seven thinking patterns that will move
you from stagnation to progression, from
the back end to the front line, from
poverty to abundance, from low end to
high end and from defeat to back to back
victory in your life.
ability to see beyond the immediate.
Don’t make decisions and choices
based on immediate satisfaction or
instant gratification, always think of
the big picture and the ultimate goal.
Many of us have lost wars in our
desperation to win tiny battles based
on ego. You resigned from an
employment you needed desperately
based on offence, you lost a wife or a
husband based on temporary pleasure
or greed, you remained at a low
paying job – punishing your family
because you don’t want to offend a
nice employer. Always think wide and
far when you make decisions, it will
help your progress in life.
2. FOCUSED THINKING – This is when
your mind is set on exactly what
you’ve purposed to achieve. Too
many people and too many things will
entice you and lure you to give up
your dreams, ambition and life for
what appears to be easier and more
convenient, if you’re not focused in
your thinking, you’ll most likely fall
and eventually regret.
3. CREATIVE THINKING – This is the
ability to invent and birth solutions
that are progressive, constructive and
relevant. Creativity is birth from the
vastness of your knowledge and
experience, if you lack knowledge,
and know how, you can’t really be
that creative.
4. REALISTIC THINKING – Thinking and
confessions in the affirmative should
not make you deny the obvious. I am
rich by God’s grace does not change
your account balance if you don’t
work hard enough to earn your
needed income. There is no magic
money from God, that’s not His style,
you work to earn. Confession does
not bring possession, confession after
hard and right work is what unlocks
possession. When people don’t truly
understand how faith works, they’re
kept poor, suppressed, deprived and
inconsequential in life. Faith is not
denying reality, faith is transforming
reality through believe, action and
ability to plan for the future. The
ability to foresee things, possibilities
and likelihood before they happen is
strategic thinking. You know one day
your children will all be in the
university, instead of investing in
yourself to build your earning ability
to be able to fund their education in
the future, you’re investing in material
things, clothes, shoes, cars, gadgets
and travels, and you’re passionately
indulging in vain competition with
colleagues, friends and relatives. Your
thinking is not strategic.
ability to review your past, the good
and the not so good. Identify the
errors and come up with superior
ways to handle similar things in the
future. Reflective thinking is the
birthplace of relevant experience. A
man people credit, as experienced
and wise is that man that does a lot
of reflective thinking.
the ability to always look out for the
benefit, gain and value in anything
you do or you’re into. How profitable
are your friendships? How profitable
are those religious but retrogressive
doctrines, how profitable are your
associations, how profitable is your
excessive drinking, partying and
immoral behaviours? There is a way
that seems right unto a man, but the
end thereof is destruction. If you’re
not profit oriented in your thinking,
your life could be overwhelmed by
My dear friends, what’s the quality of
your thinking? What’s the power of your
thinking, how constructive and value
adding are your daily thoughts?
The difference between you and those
who rule over you today is in the thinking
quality, change your thinking dear friends,
and change your life. It’s time to move
forward. Think healthy and progressive
thoughts, let your mind be sound, think
valuable and enriching thoughts, improve
your life with good thinking.


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