One of the most valuable and
irredeemable possessions in life is time.
Time is what you exchange for anything
you want in this life. Time is life, without
time, there’s no life.
Our lives are expressed within and in the
context of time. We are here for a
season and a duration, when our time is
up, our life ends. The quality of your life
however, is determined by how well
you’ve put your time to use. If you’re
committed to an effective use of your
time, your life would most likely turn out
well, if however you waste your time on
frivolities and things that don’t matter,
you may suffer for it subsequently.
This is the reality check that motivates a
lot of people in paid employment to
desire the transition to self-employment.
Any employment that would reward you
handsomely these days will demand for a
lot of your time and freedom especially in
Most highly rewarding employments
today will require you to sacrifice quality
time with perhaps friends and family,
basic leisure, study and personal
development and even needed rest. Many
people want to quit paid employment
because they want to eventually be in
charge of their time, hence, do what they
please when they please and as they
It’s a noble ambition to desire enough
time to invest in worthwhile and
commendable ventures in life. Investing
time with your family is good. Having
enough rest is good, leisure and
vacations are good as well however, self-
employment is definitely not that option
of career style that will avail you time for
all these wonderful things. Self-
employment as a matter of fact may
even demand more of your time than
your season in paid employment.
Building a business is serious business. It
will require so much in terms of energy,
effort, thinking, strategy, alertness,
responsiveness and time. If you don’t
want to build a business that will
eventually collapse, you will give it
enough time. Enough time however, is
You see, a business is a separate and
independent entity totally different from
you. You are you and your business
should have a life of its own if it would
grow. The perspective is to see your
business as a venture that you’ll nurture,
make grow and in turn, it will reward you
This being the case, it simply means your
personal goals must be different from
the goals you’ve set for your business.
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As an individual you must have personal
goals. These may include your personal
time for rest, your financial goals, your
assets goals, your personal development
goals, marital goals and other great
things you want to do, own and become
in future.
Your business also should have goals
too. Your business should have a vision,
a mission, a growth plan, revenue plan,
expansion plan, and profitability goals as
well. Unfortunately, these separation of
goals is not practiced by most business
owners. They can’t just separate
themselves from the business. They have
made the business their goal in life. As
the business grows, they assume they
are growing as well. This unfortunately is
a dangerous delusion. That’s why
consequently, successful business people
fail in marriage, fail in friendship, fail in
parenting, fail in personal health; fail in
personal growth and with time are full of
They lack personal goals protecting them
from the consuming tendencies of their
businesses and they eventually get
swallowed up by the same business they
set up to prosper them.
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Dear friend, it is time you set your
personal goals and separate these goals
clearly from the goals of your business.
You should have time dedicated to your
business and have time dedicated to the
pursuit of your personal goals as well.
Who are you? What is your nature, what
are you passionate about, what makes
you happy, what would you want to
become in life, who would you want to
help, what excites you? Listen, If you
have all the money you need in life right
now, what will you wake up to do
tomorrow morning?
Many times our unbridled pursuit of
money completely derails us from a life
of meaning. We sadly begin to assume if
we have money, we have everything
including joy, peace and happiness, but
may I say to you this morning that with
or without money you can still have your
joy, peace and happiness? It’s about your
personal goals.
Setting personal goals separate from
business goals enables you prioritise the
important things in life. Your dream and
vision for your marriage, your dream and
vision for your children, your dream and
vision for yourself, the things you desire
and love to do will become feasible if you
set them as goals.
When your business also has goals set,
the business will grow, you wouldn’t
divert proceeds meant for business
growth to financing personal luxurious
items you don’t really need. Company
profit will not become personal profit.
Company income will not become
personal income, and company assets
will not become personal assets.
Many business owners today are tugged
between their office and their homes.
They are not really happy. They are
frustrated and experience frequent
regrets. They miss out on very important
stages and moments in their lives.
They’re hardly there to nurture their
children, they’re hardly there to celebrate
with their families and they hardly have
enough rest and medical attention to
avoid early breakdown of their systems
and bodily functions.
Dear friend, you deserve good success in
life and deserve good success in
business. Don’t sacrifice one for another.
Set independent goals for yourself and
set independent goals for your business.
By so doing, control is put in place,
restrain is put in place and order is put in
place. You’ll become calmer, happier and
more satisfied with your life. Dear friend,
reconcile the contradictions.
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