Without a doubt we all have weaknesses

as ordinary human beings. We are
imperfect in our ways and we make
many mistakes in life. However, the
mystery of human interaction and
relationships is such that your
weaknesses and errors register and
linger for longer in the minds of people in
and around your life than your good
behaviors, virtues and kindness.
In this life, no matter how good, kind and
loving you’ve been to someone, the day
you hurt them or wrong them, all your
goodness and kindness towards them in
time past appear to diminish and be
overshadowed by that single act of error
committed. And the tendency to
remember and reference the wrong is
usually higher than the tendency to
remember your good deeds.
People expect others to be perfect
whereas they are so imperfect

Another interesting aspect of human
interaction is the way people in your life
easily get used to your kindness and
sacrifices and subsequently take them
for granted, in fact after a while, they see
it as a right. When you stop or can’t
afford to make the sacrifice anymore,
they get offended and can even decide
to hurt you in return.
Isn’t it really amazing how people can
get used to your kindness and good
deeds but can’t tolerate your
weaknesses, your struggles and nasty

For us humans, it’s generally hard to
accept all the good, bad and ugly in
people around us and in our lives. We
want only the good.
Another interesting mystery in life is how
people based on a current level you’re at,
draw their conclusions about you and
can’t see you achieving certain things or
becoming anything more than they
anticipate or can imagine.
People forget easily that life is a matter
of growth and it’s an error to judge and
conclude on anyone with the capacity
and potential to still grow.

It’s a great error to assume a tree not
matured enough to bear fruit can never
bear fruit simply because you stumbled
on it before its maturity season.
Dear friend, many people met you,
interacted with you, worked with you,
befriended you and were around your life
while you were still growing and they
unfortunately drew their conclusions
about your life and possibilities based on
the level you were at when they met you.
Oh, what an error.

Come on, are you still here? You see he
met you when you were still too young to
understand love, you gave your all and
gave the whole of your heart, you were
so young and naïve hence he took
advantage and used you, abused you,
oppressed you, manipulated you and
made that experience a nightmare for
you. He took advantage of your
immaturity and treated you bad, simply
because he was emotionally stronger,
more experienced and more mature. It’ll
surprise you that who you were then, is
still how he thinks you are today after so
many years. It’ll surprise you if you run
into each other, he’d still talk to you and
attempt to treat you how he used to
many years ago. He can’t comprehend
the mature and independent you of
today, it’s very hard for him, its human
nature my dear. Hmm

Some were your colleagues and
coworkers and even your superiors when
you were still young in career and a
neophyte. You had no experience and
didn’t understand much about work and
you messed up very many times. Don’t
be surprised if they still think of you
today, after 5 to 10 years, as you were
many years ago work wise. Their opinion
of you and your work ethics and
performance then is still how they
choose to see you today, and they can’t
believe you would ever grow, be better,
be more mature and become extremely
productive subsequently in your career
life. It’s not their fault, its human nature.

Yes, when you were much younger you
were childish, you partied a lot, drank a
lot, played so much, took life for granted,
chased boys, chased girls, were
unserious, didn’t do well in school, had
bad habits, was rude, disrespectful and
had not future ambition. Based on that
childish stage and level in your life, many
people concluded you wouldnt amount to
much in life, you can’t do well, they
concluded you can’t be happily married,

your career will fail and you’ll end up
broke, disgraced and inconsequential in
life. Hmm, their expectations, their dream
of you, will you let it come to pass?
Dear friend, yes you may have been
nasty and you were so much trouble
back in the days and you disappointed
many people in and around your life, but
don’t ever make the mistake of
remaining that way and making true their
negative expectations and predictions
about your future.
The best good you can do to yourself and
the sweetest experience in your lifetime
is to surprise everyone who thought,
assumed and concluded you wouldn’t
amount to much.

The beauty of your life would be in
dashing their hopes and negative
expectations for your life.
Don’t accept their predictions, draw
strength, courage and inspiration from
their writing you off and decide to
change for the better.

Dear friend, it’s time to surprise them.
It’s time to calm down, relax and begin
to give your life a profitable and
progressive meaning. Don’t feel sorry for
yourself, don’t indulge in self-pity, don’t
rule yourself out, make no excuses for
your excesses, Decide to change and go
for the best you can in all your
endeavors and every area of your life.
Make up your mind today to become
better, superior and greater. Make up
your mind today to grow and become
What is that weakness, what is that
habit, what is that behavior, who were
those bad friends, from where is the
negative influence, what are those
negative people, habits, behaviors, and
tendencies holding you down and
derailing your glorious destiny?
It’s time to fight, it’s time to fight your
personal demons and devils, it’s time to
fight your personal weaknesses, your
laziness, lackadaisical attitude, un-
seriousness tendencies and end your
romance with poverty, laziness, excuses
and lack.

Surprise them, make that marriage sweet,
surprise them, make that business work,
surprise them, make that career work and
put your life in proper and progressive
There is nothing you can’t do or
accomplish if you are organized,
hardworking dedicated and purposeful in
life. So don’t give up on you.
Stop wasting your time with unnecessary
people, ventures, fellowships and
detractors. Stop investing time with
people who can neither comprehend nor
support your dreams and aspirations.
Set yourself free from users and abusers,

become independent of people, have your
personal time for reflection, personal
development and personal growth. Do the
good things people say you can’t do,
become the great person people say you
can’t become, achieve phenomenal feats
people say you couldn’t achieve?
Read hard, study wide, work hard and
become super knowledgeable and
intelligent. Become focused, committed,
dedicated and resolute in chasing your
Prove them wrong, surprise them. Don’t
fulfil their mediocre expectations of you,

exceed their imaginations and thoughts
about your life and your possibilities.
Now that you’ve still got energy work
extra hard, don’t get discouraged, be
resilient, build capacity and trust God. A
time is coming and really fast when you
wouldn’t have so much energy left. Then
you can get all the rest you want.
Don’t be distracted by the successes and
good news of people who love to
oppress you and intimidate you with their
own achievements. Keep working on you
and your dreams until you become what
you desire in life, keep on keeping on.
Build your life build your destiny. Be good

and kind to yourself and your destiny.
Become everything they say is
impossible for you to become, surprise
your critics in life. Become great, achieve


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