WWE RAW Results – 8/14/17 (Go home show for SummerSlam this Sunday)

WWE RAW Results
August 14, 2017
Boston, Massachusetts
Commentary: Michael Cole, Corey Graves and
Booker T
Results by: Saint Gabriel Concept

A video package showing Seth Rollins and
Dean Ambrose from the past few weeks airs.
Dean Ambrose’s music hits and we’re live for
WWE RAw from Boston! Ambrose gets on the
mic and says after last week, a lot of people
must be wondering what is going on between
Dean and Seth. And he’s wondering the same
thing himself but only Seth Rollins can answer
that question. Seth’s music hits.
Dean says he is sick and tired of playing
games. Seth says Dean is the one playing
games. One week he saves him and the other
he disappears. Seth says he knows Dean
cares. He knows that Dean knows if they were
to team up again they would run Raw. If he’s
willing to put the past behind them, Seth is
done playing games. Seth then extends his fist
to Dean as the crowd errups into a loud “YES”
chant. Ambrose turns around and appears to
be thinking about it. Ambrose says he Seth
has to be kidding him. Last week Dean
extended his arm to him and Seth made him
look like a fool.
Seth says maybe this will just never work and
that maybe it was a stupid idea. But maybe it
wasn’t. Maybe they’re differences is what
makes them strong together. Seth says he’s
done playing games and drops the
microphone. Dean drops his microphone. Dean
extends his arm to Seth. Seth clinches his fist
and turns around. Both start pushing each
other and Dean takes Rollins down. Both start
fighting and beating each other up. Both men
fight to the outside and Sheamus’ music hits
as Cesaro and Sheamus come out and start
beating up on Ambrose and Rollins.
They throw Ambrose over the barricade and
Rollins into the ring. They’re stomping on
Rollins. Ambrose comes back into the ring and
tries fighting off the WWE Raw Tag Team
champions. But they take him down. Rollins
off the top rope jumps on them both. Rollins
and Ambrose start fighting back. They knock
Sheamus over the top rope and do the same
to Cesaro as the Tag champions walk away.

Ambrose and Rollins stand looking at each
other in the middle of the ring. And they both
extend their fists together as the crowd
Kurt Angle’s music hits as he comes out and
announces that on Sunday at WWE
Summerslam, it will be Dean Ambrose and
Seth Rollins against Cesaro and Sheamus for
the WWE Raw Tag Team titles.
-Commercial Break-
Up next is Sasha Banks against Nia Jax with
the winner facing Alexa Bliss for the WWE

Raw Women’s title at Summerslam.
Sasha Banks vs. NiBanks

Nia Jax makes her way to the ring with Sasha
coming out second. Alexa Bliss’ music hits
and she walks down to the ring and sits on a
mini life guard stand seat outside the ring.
The bell rings. Sasha connects with some right
hands but Nia runs and takes her down with a
shoulder thrust.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial and Nia knocks Sasha
onto the apron. Outside of the ring, Sasha
jumps off the apron and goes for a
hurricanrana but Nia catches her and throws
her into the barricade. Back in the ring, Nia
has Sasha in a bear hug and she throws Sasha
around the ring. Nia goers for a leg drop but
gets a 2 count. Nia picks Sasha up but Sasha
goes behind Nia and gets a sleeper her on
her. Nia reverses it into a Samoan drop. Nia
goes for the cover but Sasha gets her arm
under the bottom rope. Jax with another
Samoa drop. Sasha rolls out of the ring. Nia
gets Sasha back in the ring. Nia goes for an
elbow drop but Sasha moves out of the way.
-Commercial Break-
Nia has Sasha on the top rope. She goes for a
suplex but Banks blocks it and delivers
elbows. Sasha flips over Nia and tries the
sunset flip. She kicks Nia down and goes for
the cover but a 2 count. Sasha with knees to
the face. She runs towards Nia but Jax with a
boot to take Banks down. Nia goes to pick
Sasha up but Sasha gets her into the Banks
Statement in the middle of the ring. Nia trying
to get to the ropes but Sasha blocks it. Nia
picks Banks up but Sasha flips it and a DDT.
She locks in the Banks Statement once more
and Nia taps out!
Winner: Number 1
contender, Sasha Banks

Backstage, Kurt Angle is talking with the
Hardy Boys. The Miz interrupts with the
Miztourage. He asks him what he will do to
make it up to him after Lesnar attacked him
last week. The Hardy Boyz laugh and The Miz
says it’s not funny. Curt Axel vs. Jason Jordan
is announced for tonight. Angle says anything
else they have to take it up with Brock. The
Miz says he’s sick of it and Axel won’t take on
Jordan but he will. A referee interrupts and
tells Kurt there’s a problem with Finn Balor
and Bray Wyatt.
-Commercial Break-
Backstage, Bray and Balor are fighting. Angle
and referee’s come in and break it up. Kurt
Angle says they won’t wait for Summerslam
because they’ll have their match tonight.
Elias Samson is in the ring, playing the guitar
and singing, insulting Boston. R Truth’s music
hits as he comes out to the ring. Samson
attacks him as he’s getting into the ring. Elias
takes R-Truth out with the Drift Away. He
grabs his guitar as his music hits.
-Commercial Break-
Big Cass, Enzo Amore and
Big Show segment
Big Cass’ music hits and we have a shark
cage (the one Enzo will be in during Big Cass
vs. Big Show at Summerslam). Big Cass starts
to talk and gets boo’s from the crowd. Every
time Cass tries to talk, the fans don’t let him.
Big Cass keeps getting boo’d. He says he will
just talk over them, he doesn’t care. He says
he’s the man. When he talks, it matters. He
says Enzo needs Big Show. Enzo is nothing if
there’s no one behind him. He says does Big
Show need Enzo to stay relevant? He says Big
Show knows he can’t beat him without Enzo
and that’s why Enzo will be locked inside a
shark cage. He says he will show everyone
that he is the best big man in the game.
Enzo’s music hits. He starts with his usual
“My name is Enzo Amore” speech. A loud
“How you doing” chant from the crowd. He
says Cass has been rambling like someone
who has been knocked down two weeks in a
row. And that’s because he has. Cass tells
Enzo if he has something to tell him, to walk
down and say it to his face. Enzo brings out
The Big Show.
They walk down to the ring. Big Show gets in
and Enzo is dancing on the ring apron. Big
Cass hits it off the apron. Anderson and
Gallows run to the ring and start beating on
the Big Show. Anderson ties a belt to the Big
Show’s wrist and they tie it onto the shake
cage. Cass slams the shark cage door onto
the Big Show’s wrist.
Highlights of last week’s match between
Braun Strowman and Roman Reigns.

Cruiserweight title match:
Neville (c) vs. Akira Tozawa
with Titus O’Neil
The bell rings and we are under way. Tozawa
goes for a quick cover but a kick out by
Neville. Neville with a headlock on Tozawa.
Akira gets out of it as both men exchange
blows. Both go face to face. Neville goes for a
kick, Akira blocks it and a drop kick him him.
Chops to the chest by Tozawa to Neville.
Neville onto the ring apron, Tozawa hits him
off it. Neville back in the ring, a right hand as
he goes for the cover but a 2 count. Neville
rolls out of the ring.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial, Neville has Tozawa in
an armbar. Tozawa out of it and a back drop
on Neville. Neville rolls out of the ring.
Tozawa runs and a suicide dive onto the
outside of the ring. He gets back in the ring
and another suicide dive. Titus cheering him
on outside. Tozawa throws Neville back in the
ring, goes for the cover but a 2 count. Tozawa
onto the top rope but Neville on his feet and
onto the second rope. He goes for a move but
Tozawa punches him. Neville with a superplex
from the top rope.
Both men back up and Tozawa with a
hurricanrana. Tozawa on the top rope, Tozawa
jumps, Neville moves, the referee gets in the
way. Neville takes Tazawa down, goes for the
rings of saturn, Tozawa reverses it into a pin,
2 count as Neville kicks out. Neville drags
Tozawa down. Neville goes for the Red Arrow,
Tozawa rolls out of the way. Tozawa climbs
the top rope and delivers the senton bomb. He
hooks the leg and gets the 3 count! Tozawa is
the new WWE Cruiserweight champion!

Winner: NEW WWE
Cruiserweight champion,
Apollo Crews and Titus O’Neill get in the ring
and celebrate with Tozawa.
-Commercial Break-
Backstage, a doctor is talking to Big Show and
tells him they need X-Rays done but it appears
as though his hand may be broken. Enzo tells
Big Show he should forget about the match on
Sunday. Big Show tells him he’s fought bigger
Another backstage segment with Mickie
James and Emma. Emma says the internet is
blowing up with Sasha Banks winning tonight
but it should be about her. Mickie says that
last week, Emma tapped out. And that the
women’s revolution is not just about her but
about every woman here. And if she wants a
chance, she should take on a 6 time women’s
champion tonight. Emma says she’s on.
-Commercial Break-

Bray Wyatt vs. Finn Balor
The bell rings and Balor goes for the leg kicks
on Wyatt. Bray knocks Balor out. Bray runs to
Balor but Balor throws him out of the ring.
Balor on the ring apron with a running kick
takes Wyatt out.
-Commercial Break-
Wyatt with a knee to the ribs of Balor. A
running clothesline by Wyatt takes Finn down.
He goes for the cover but a 2 count. A
headlock by Wyatt but Finn reverses it and an
overhead kick by Balor onto Bray. Balor with a
running forearm. He goes for the cover but a 2
count. Both men run to the ropes but Wyatt
just throws his body onto Finn and takes him
down. Both men back up but a sling blade by
Balor. Both men still down. Bray on his feet
first. He goes for the Sister Abigail but Balor
reverses it and stomps onto Bray. Wyatt rolls
to the outside. Balor running outside and a
running dropkick by Balor as Wyatt hits the
barricades. Balor sends Wyatt into the ring.
Balor goes to the top rope, he goes for the
Coup de Grace, Wyatt takes him down and
deliver Sister Abigail. He goes for the cover
and gets the 3 count.

Winner: Bray Wyatt
Wyatt delivers a second Sister Abigail. The
lights go out and come back on. Wyatt is seen
holding a bucket of red liquid and pours it onto

Mickie James vs. Emma
Both women lock up. Emma with a head lock.
Mickie sends Emma to the ropes and a
clothesline. A running forearm by James. She
goes for the cover but only a 2 count. Mickie
goes to the top rope but Emma pushes her off
to the outside. Emma goes to the outside of
the ring and throws Mickie back in the ring.
She goes for the cover but a 2 count. A full
nelson lock by Emma. Mickie gets out of it.
Emma takes Mickie back down. A suplex by
Emma. Mickie delivers a spinning kick onto
Emma, goes for the cover and gets the 3
Winner: Mickie James
-Commercial Break-
Backstage, Finn comes out of Kurt Angle’s
room. Finn tells Charlie that he got his
rematch at Summerslam. And Wyatt has his
demons but on Sunday, Wyatt will find out
that Finn has his demons too.

The Miz vs. Jason JoBoyz

Jason picks The Miz up and drops him. Jordan
goes to pick Miz up again but Miz grabs the
ropes. He turns around and a drop kick by
Jordan. The Miz rolls to the outside of the
ring. Curtis Axel, Dallas and Maryse are all
outside. Miz rolls back into the ring but Jordan
throws him into the turnbuckle. The
Miztourage run into the ring and attack
Jordan. The referee rings the bell. The Hardy
Boyz’s music hits and they come out and start
fighting Dallas and Axel. A loud “DELETE”
chant. Bo and Axel are thrown outside of the
ring. They grab The Miz and poetry in motion.
Jordan picks him up and delivers a belly to
back suplex. The Mizrolls to the outside.
Winner: By Disqualification,
Jason Jordan
-Commercial Break-
The Hardy Boys and Jason
Jordan vs. The Miztourage
Matt Hardy with an arm bar on Axel, who tags
Jeff in who tags Jason Jordan in. Jordan with
a drop kick on Axel and an arm drag by Jason.
Axel gets up and a knee to the stomach. He
tags Dallas in. Jordan tags Matt in. Matt with
a DDT on Dallas. He goes for the cover but a
1 count.
Matt tags Jeff in and they double team Dallas.
Jeff with a running clothsline on Dallas. Jeff
tags Jordan in. A fireman’s carry by Jordan.
An arm bar by Jordan but Dallas gets out of
it. He runs to the ropes and tags The Miz in.
Jordan spearing The Miz in the turnbuckle. He
goes for another one but Axel moves The Miz
out of the way. The Miz stomping on Jason
-Commercial Break-
Curtis Axel beating on Jordan. Axel on the
second rope, he goes for an elbow drop but
Jordan moves. Both men down. Jordan tags
Matt Hardy in. Matt punching Axel. And a
running bulldog by Matt. He goes for the cover
but a 2 count. Matt goes for the Twist of Fate
but Axel counters. Matt with a neck breaker.
Matt is distracted by The Miz as Axel attacks
him from behind. Axel tags The Miz in and he
stomps on Matt. Miz tags Dallas in. He goes
for the cover but a 2 count. Dallas tags Axel
into the ring. Matt tags Axel down with a leg
sweep. Axel tags The Miz in. The Miz with a
cheap shot on Jordan. Matt with a running
clothesline on The Miz. Matt tags Jeff in and
Miz tags Dallas in. Jeff with a running
forearm. An atomic drop. Jeff goes for the
Twist of Fate but Dallas moves out of the
way. Jeff onto the top rope and a whisper in
the wind. He goes for the cover but a 2 count.
Jeff onto the top rope but The Miz interfers.
Dallas with a swinging neck breaker. Jordan
gets in and a belly to belly onto The Miz. He
clotheslines Miz outside of thje ring. Dallas
throws Jordan out. Jeff with a twist of fate on
Dallas. He goes for the cover but Axel bnreaks
it up. Jordan gets in and throws Axel out and
takes The Miz down. A belly to belly by
Jordan onto Dallas. Matt with a twisto f fate
onto Dallas. A Swanton Bomb by Jeff Hardy
as he goes for the cover and get the 3 count.

Winners: The Hardy Boyz
and Jason Jordan
-Commercial Break

Brock Lesnar, Samoa Joe,
Braun Strowman and Roman
Reigns segment
Kurt Angle says there is security around the
ring for the showdown between Brock Lesnar,
Samoe Joe, Braun Strowman and Roman
Reigns tonight. Angle introduces Brock Lesnar
to the ring along with Paul Heyman. Paul
Heyman gets on the microphone and starts
his usual “Ladies and gentlemen, my name is
Paul Heyman…”. Heyman says out of one last
attempt to squeeze something out of Lesnar,
they have arranged a face to face to face to
champion’s face tonight. Heyman says Samoe
Joe won’t win. And that beast slays monster,
talking about Strowman. And there’s Roman
Reigns. Heyman says Roman’s yard is in
Brock Lesnar’s house and rent is due Sunday
at Summerslam. Heyman repeats that if
Lesnar loses, he will walk away from WWE.
And you may as well lock him in a cage, hint
Samoa Joe’s music hits. Joe says at
Summerslam when he comes for the WWE
Universal title, he will take it after he puts
Lesnar to sleep. Strowman’s music plays.
Braun says he’s always the last one standing.
Roman’s music hits. Reigns takes Joe down.
Braun with a power slam on Reigns. Lesnar
and Strowman are the two standing. Security
jumps inside the ring. Lesnar tries to break
through security. Strowman tries to break
through. Lesnar beats up his security and
Strowman does the same. Security getting
hammered. Kurt Angle calls for more security.
Lesnar and Strowman the last two standing
again. Members of the Raw locker room
comes out. They try to separate the two as
Raw goes off the air.


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