Dear friend, do you know your life ought
to be better than it currently is?
Whatever you think you have, own, have
earned or accomplished I assure you is
very far from what you could have
sincerely accomplished if you believed in
your possibilities.

Every limitation in life is an outcome of
self-limiting beliefs. What you have in life
today is what you believe you can have
not what you truly can have. What you’ve
achieved in life is what you decided to
achieve not what you really can achieve.
You can have much more, do much more,
achieve much more and deliver much
more than you are currently boasting of.

It’s all in your ability to believe and
pursue it with all your vigor, energy,
determination and conviction.
The purpose of life is manifestation. You
are here for a season and the reason for
the season is to evolve until you reach
your full capacity and deliver your
potential to the fullest, only then are you
permitted to die.

There’s too much we all carry that
humanity is in dire need of and we are
depriving mankind of our God given
treasures purposed to make the world a
better, safer and more exciting place to
live in.
The pain, pressure, deprivation and lack
in this world could also be connected to
millions of people refusing to realize their
full potentials in life. Many inventions,
solutions and ideas with the power and
capacity to mitigate poverty, improve
healthcare, protect the planet, enhance
social systems, prolong lives and make
the world a happier, safer and better
place remain buried in the minds and
souls of people who wouldn’t push
harder, go further and give more in the
determination to birth their dreams
because they doubt.

By way of your nurture, you may perhaps
have been limited in your ideas about life,
your purpose in this world and what is
really possible. Perhaps through your
nurture your mind has been set to
believe, you go to school to obtain
abilities and certifications for
employment so that you can pay bills
conveniently all your life then die.

Perhaps you’ve been influenced by your
environment to think the government
owes you everything and you owe no one
nothing. Perhaps religion not spiritually
inspired misled you to believe you lack
what it takes to do or become anything
in this life and you must wait for God to
do everything for you.
Perhaps you’ve been damaged in your
soul through hurts of the past, abuse
from your past, rejection, betrayal,
ridicule and oppression hence, your life is
all to prove to the people in your past
that you can become something, hence
all you chase is money.

Perhaps you’re daily overwhelmed by the
pursuit of basic needs like food, clothes,
shelter, healthcare and education, your
mind can’t successfully comprehend
beyond survival.

Ladies and gentlemen, your greatness in
life is buried in your ability to realize your
potential in full.
Think with me this morning and picture in
your mind a day old baby. All your eyes
can see is just a cute little baby, when
you carry the very fragile baby and look
into the face you see a very timid, weak,
baby, eyes struggling to open, mouth
struggling to move, very weak and tender
if you mistakenly drop the baby, it’ll most
likely die instantly. But listen dear friend,
what you may appear to carry in your
hands is a baby, but in reality, you’re
perhaps carrying in your hands a future
president, a future governor, a future
doctor, engineer, lawyer, clergy, father,
mother, grandfather, grandmother, great
grandfather or great grandmother and
with time you’re carrying in your hands
the seed of over 1 million and much
more people that will walk this planet
over time.

That my friend is potential. Potential is
having the capacity to develop into
something in the future. Your potentials
are your latent qualities or abilities that
may be developed for future usefulness
and success. Your current potentials are
your unrealized abilities.

Physics defines potential as a charge in
a magnetic field. Your potential energy is
the quantity of power you carry that can
be used to achieve greatness.
Dear friend, you are carrying something.
You are carrying something great. What
makes you great is not who you are right
now, its not what people think of you, its
not even what you think of yourself right
now. What makes you great is not the
things you have, own or position you
currently occupy. What makes you great
are not the things you’ve achieved or
accomplished already, your real
greatness lie very much ladies and
gentlemen in the things you’re yet to
realize, yet to achieve, yet to accomplish,
yet to manifest.

You have the power in you, you carry the
energy within, you carry the charges on
your inside, something is cooking on your
inside, something is bubbling on your
inside, something is responding to divine
charges, divine voices, divine inspiration
and divine command, you carry answers,
solutions, ideas, creativity and power the
world has never seen before on your
inside, it is waiting for you, its waiting
for your command, its waiting for your
effort and determination to ignite, set
your mind on fire, set your mind power,
you are more than this I tell you, you
carry so much more within, there is
greatness within you, there is glory within
you, there is power within you, you have
You may be discouraged, down and
depressed right now but, it’s not your
reality, it’s just a phase you’re going
through, it’s just a process, a season for
your seasoning for your glory to be
tasteful, your glory must be sweet, so
you must endure hardship like a soldier,
stand strong, and resolute, this challenge
is not meant to destroy you, its designed
to strengthen you. It’s not meant to stop
you, it’s designed to propel you. And I
promise you, if you remain cool, calm and
collected even in this storm, it shall blow
past you and through and after it all,
you’ll remain standing on your two feet,
undefeated, more empowered and more
in charge.

Dear friend, there’s too much you carry
and I shouldn’t permit you go to your
grave without manifesting untold glory.
It’s in you, birth it out. Your bank balance
may be zero right now but you have a
billion dollars in you, birth it out, your
relationships and marriage may be a
mess right now, but the power for a
great, respectable and honorable family
is right within you birth it out, the answer
to cancer is within one of you my
readers, birth it out, the answers to polio,
diabetes, high blood pressure, sickle cell
anemia, HIV Aids, is in you and you and
another and another and a fourth and a
fifth and that doctor, the scientist, that
engineer, that student listening to me
right now birth it out! The answer to
the challenges of Nigeria, our polity, the
economy, the finance, our infrastructure,
energy problems, aviation issues, power
problems, health problems, policing
problems, productivity problems,
corruption problems is in you, you carry it
within, you’ve got potentials! Birth it out.

The whole world is waiting, Africa is
waiting, Nigeria is waiting, we’re waiting
for you, the whole creation is waiting for
you to manifest! You’re better than this,
you’re bigger than this, you’re not a
victim, you’re not a beggar, you’re not a
wimp, you’re not weak, you’re strong,
you’re bold, your courageous, you can do

That dream, that dream, can happen, that
home, that lovely house is possible, that
great idea, is possible, the million dollar
business will happen, one day, I promise
you one day, you’ll address the united
nations and the whole world, will watch
you, you’ll be on CNN, your family will be
proud, your school will be proud, your
friends will be proud, Nigeria will be proud
and your current critics will eat their
words, and you’d remember today and
you’ll remember Muyiwa Afolabi told you,
you could do it.

My dear friend, you have potentials, you
have potentials, you have potentials, you
may be weak, feeble, broke, ignored,
unsung, and look like a mess right now,
but I promise you, I promise, I promise
you, you’re carrying something! The
whole creation eagerly await, your
manifestation. Don’t give up, don’t give
up, you carry something, you’ve got


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