WWE Smackdown Results – 8/8/17 (Orton vs. Mahal, Naomi vs. Carmella)

WWE Smackdown Results
August 8, 2017
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Commentary: Tom Phillips, JBL and Byron
Results by:Saint Gabriel Concept

“Then. Now. Forever.” The WWE video leads
us into the show.
Highlights are shown from the dream match
between John Cena and Shinsuke Nakamura.
Nakamura defeated Cena following a
devastating back suplex onto his neck and the
Kinshasa to win an opportunity to face Jinder
Mahal for the WWE Championship at
SummerSlam. After the conclusion of last
week’s Smackdown, Baron Corbin viciously
attacked Nakamura. Cena ran down to make
the save and put Corbin through the
commentary table with an Attitude

John Cena addresses his
loss from last week

John Cena makes his way to the ring to his
customary mixed reaction. Cena says he’s as
fired up as the crowd. That’s why we’re here.
Any night in this WWE ring brings moments
that will last a lifetime. They saw in this
dream match the stage was set: a trip to
SummerSlam and a championship opportunity
were on the line. A “Cena” chant breaks out.
Cena found out real quick that Nakamura isn’t
afraid of anything. A loud “Nakamura” chant
fires up. Cena wasn’t sure why they chanted
that, but then he found out that Nakamura hits
hard… real hard. Cena was in there doing his
thing and figured he’d punch his ticket to
SummerSlam. All of a sudden, Nakamura’s
hand was being raised, and he realized he
lost. There was no foul play or Montreal
Screwjob… he just lost. That doesn’t really
happen a lot to him, but he did the only thing
he could do. He dusted himself off and, out of
respect, shook the hand of the man who
earned the right to become a champion.
Baron Corbin’s new music hits, and he makes
his way to the stage with his Money in the
Bank briefcase. Corbin says he’s sick and
tired of the stupid handshake and dream
match. All Corbin knows is Cena stuck his
nose in his business. He’s Mr. Money in the
Bank, and that means he can do what he
wants, when he wants. If Cena is looking for
someone to respect, he can respect him.
Corbin is the future and has no problem
making Cena the past. Cena calls him a
“skinny-fat, overrated dumpster fire.” The
crowd pops really good for that. Cena says if
he wants to dance, he can sashay down here
and maybe he’ll put his ass through another
table. Corbin paces before heading down the
ramp. Corbin stops and asks why he would do
that when he has the contract. With this
contract, he does what he wants when he
wants like he said. A “Dumpster Fire” chant
breaks out. Corbin starts to walk off. Corbin
says Cena has nothing he wants or needs. He
doesn’t need to beat John Cena. Cena can
take his respect and shove it. All he needs is
the WWE Championship. John Cena isn’t worth
his time.
Corbin starts to walk to the back until he’s
stopped by Daniel Bryan’s music. The
Smackdown GM makes his way to the stage
to a massive pop. Bryan starts to speak, but
the crowd cuts him off with adulation. Bryan
says it’s great to be in Toronto. Bryan doesn’t
know if Corbin is a dumpster fire (Cena says
he is) or if he’s the future. He doesn’t have a
crystal ball, but at SummerSlam, it will be
Baron Corbin against 16-time World Champion
John Cena! A “YES” chant fires up. Cena looks
Tonight’s main event will see Randy Orton
take on Jinder Mahal in a Grudge Match.
Shane McMahon will also lay down the Rules
of Engagement for AJ Styles and Kevin
Owens. The Usos will take on Sami Zayn and
Tye Dillinger, next.
-Commercial Break-
Footage is shown of The Usos viciously
attacking The New Day two weeks ago on
Smackdown Live.

The Usos vs. Tye Dillinger
and Sami Zayn

Jimmy Uso will start against Tye Dillinger.
Dillinger gets the better of Jimmy with a
shoulder block and ten punches in the corner.
Sami Zayn tags in and goes for a Helluva Kick,
but Jey pulls him out of the way.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Zayn
avoid a splash from Jimmy. Jey tags in and
stops the tag, but Dillinger is eventually
tagged in. Dillinger punches Jey down and hits
a flying forearm. Dillinger clotheslines Jimmy
and takes Jey down before stomping his face.
Dillinger stomps him in the corner while the
crowd counts. Jey gets out of the ring to
recover. Dillinger goes for a plancha, but Jey
punches him. Zayn then takes them out with a
summersault plancha. Zayn gets Jey in the
ring, and Dillinger hits a sit-out powerbomb for
a near fall. Outside the ring, Jimmy superkicks
Zayn down. Jey cuts Dillinger off as he goes
to the top rope. Jimmy blind tags in. Dillinger
fights Jey off and jumps over him. Dillinger
goes for a Tye Breaker, but Jimmy kicks him
in the midsection. They hit a kick to the back
of the knee, and Jimmy applies the Tequila
Sunrise for the submission.

Winners by Submission: The

The Usos get on the microphone and mock
The New Day before saying they’ll become the
new WWE World Tag Team Champions. Big
E’s voice is heard to cut them off, and they
await The New Day’s entrance. They attack
them from behind and clean house. They get
some chairs in the ring. Big E goes for a Big
Ending into the chair, but Jey saves his
brother Jimmy, and they run off.
Tonight’s main event will see Randy Orton
face Jinder Mahal in a Grudge Match. We’ll
also see an exclusive interview with Shinsuke
Nakamura. Coming up next, we’ll get another
Fashion Files segment.
-Commercial Break-
Renee Young is backstage with Randy Orton.
She asks if he has any comments on his
SummerSlam match against Rusev. Orton says
last week Rusev was in the wrong place at
the wrong time saying he’s not afraid of
anyone in the back. Orton gave him something
to be afraid of. She asks what he hopes to
accomplish tonight in his match against Jinder
Mahal. For three months, Mahal has done
everything he could to get away with the WWE
Championship, and he’s succeeded. Tonight
without The Singh Brothers, he just won’t get

Tyler Breeze tries to figure
out who kidnapped

It’s time for “Fashion Peaks.” Tyler Breeze is
talking to The Ascension about a dream he
had last week that was quite bizarre. Breeze
thinks the dream was a code. The Ascension
tries to sneak off with a pie. Breeze asks if
they want to know who kidnapped Fandango,
but they said they’re only here for the free
pie. Fandango appears behind him with a
necktie on his head. Breeze asks who
kidnapped him. Fandango says aliens took
him. He could leave anytime he wanted, but
they had anal probes… he meant wardrobes.
Fandango says the next person that walks
through the door destroyed Tully The Horse.
Arn Anderson walks in. Breeze asks if he
destroyed Tully. Anderson says, “You’re damn
right I did. You should have named him Arn!”
Anderson says he was the horse of that group
and steals some doughnuts. Fandango says
their work has just begun. To be continued…
Charlotte Flair makes her entrance. She’ll be
in action, next.
-Commercial Break-
Footage is shown of Lana telling Tamina
Snuka she wants to fight like her, only more
beautiful and glamorous. She decided she
would challenge Charlotte Flair to a match.

Charlotte Flair vs. Lana

They circle the ring, and Lana applies a
waistlock. Flair whips her off and poses. Flair
blocks a kick and holds the foot. Lana tries to
beg her off before going for a slap. Flair takes
her down with a drop toe hold and chops the
chest a few times. Lana screams in pain
before charging. Flair lifts her up and holds
her before Lana goes for a sunset flip. Flair
doesn’t go down, and she exposes Flair’s
backside to the crowd. The crowd chants,
“Thank you, Lana.” Lana goes for a backslide,
but Flair turns it on her for a two count. Flair
does her father’s strut. Lana slaps her in the
face, so Flair big boots her down. Flair then
applies the Figure Eight for the win.
Winner by Submission:
Charlotte Flair
Later tonight, we’ll see Naomi take on
Carmella in a non-title match. Coming up next,
Shane McMahon will explain the Rules of
Engagement for AJ Styles and Kevin Owens.
-Commercial Break-

Shane McMahon gives the
“Rules of Engagement”
Shane McMahon makes his way to the ring.
Last week, AJ Styles pinned Kevin Owens
despite his shoulder being up. Owens
demanded to McMahon that he wants a better
referee, so McMahon offered himself. A loud
“Shane O’Mac” chant picks up. McMahon
thanks them for the reception. Last week’s
United States Championship Match was
controversial. Daniel Bryan made McMahon
the special guest referee at SummerSlam for
the championship rematch. McMahon first
introduces Kevin Owens and then the WWE
United States Champion, AJ Styles.
They all stand in the ring, and the crowd is
really buzzing for both men. McMahon steps
between them. A “Kevin Owens/AJ Styles”
chant fires up. McMahon says Owens was
apprehensive about him being the special
guest referee for their match. Owens doesn’t
think he can be an impartial referee. Owens
says McMahon is correct, but whatever he
said or did last week was in the heat of the
moment. Owens wants to apologize for that.
He’s been thinking, and he’s not worried about
McMahon screwing him over. They’ve already
had a McMahon screw over a legendary
Canadian before (the old “You Screwed Bret”
chant fires up), but Owens says he deserved
it! The crowd boos. Owens says he doesn’t
and it would be terrible PR if he did the same
to another legendary Canadian. Owens is
worried about AJ. How can McMahon be
unbiased to someone who did this to him a
few months ago: footage is shown from last
March when Styles viciously attacked
McMahon and put his head through a car
window, busting him open.
Styles smirks and says he wasn’t happy about
Shane McMahon being the guest referee, but
he’s had a problem with officiating, so he
wishes him luck. As for Owens, he thinks
everyone is stupid. Owens says he is stupid.
Styles says he tries to be a master
manipulator, but it’s not working. If McMahon
screws him, he’ll have to pay the
repercussions just like at WrestleMania. Styles
says he doesn’t trust anyone, let alone a
McMahon. McMahon says he’s confusing him
with other family members. He doesn’t
operate like that. Owens says SummerSlam
won’t be the first time he’s been a guest
referee. Owens tells Styles to look at what
could happen. Footage is shown from Survivor
Series 1998. Stone Cold Steve Austin gave
Mankind the Stone Cold Stunner in the semi-
finals of the WWF Championship Tournament.
Shane McMahon started counting, but he
stopped at two and gave him the middle
finger. Owens says it’s amazing what you can
find on the WWE Network. You can find hours
of footage of McMahon screwing guys as a
guest referee.
McMahon wants to make something very
clear. McMahon and Owens don’t get along
and he’s been at war with Styles. McMahon
says he will be an impartial referee and won’t
get involved… unless he has to. McMahon
warns them to not give him a reason to get
involved. Styles says Owens wasn’t pinned
last week. Styles suggests they get rid of
McMahon, not wait until SummerSlam, and do
this right here and now for the United States
Championship. The crowd pops loud for that
and a “YES” chant fires up. Owens says that
sounds great, but he said he’d rather win the
US Title in the United States in a city that
actually matters. Styles says what matters is
this is as close as he’ll get to the United
States Championship. Owens shoves him and
gets a cheap shot in over McMahon. Styles
goes for a Pelé kick, but he accidentally
connects with McMahon! Owens laughs while
he backs up the ramp. A “You screwed Shane”
chant breaks out.
The commentators break down the events of
SummerSlam weekend, which you can watch
on the WWE Network.
Randy Orton faces Jinder Mahal in a non-title
Grudge Match. Coming up next, Naomi will be
going against Carmella in a non-title match.
-Commercial Break-
Lana is upset backstage when Tamina walks
up. Lana says she’s here to gloat. Tamina
asks if she was more ravishing than she was.
Lana says she lost and failed. Tamina says
Lana will never wrestle like her. Lana says she
won’t be as ravishing as her. Tamina says it
wasn’t Lana’s ability that got her three title
shots. It was her ambition. Now it’ll get her a

Non-Title Match
Carmella vs. Smackdown
Women’s Champion Naomi

Footage is shown of Carmella tapping out to
Naomi in a tag match last week.
Carmella quickly knees her in the midsection
and talks trash. Naomi quickly takes her down
with an enzuigiri and slaps her in the face.
Carmella gets out of the ring to recover.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Naomi
fight up from a chin lock. Carmella slides out
of a scoop slam and pulls her down by the
hair for a two count. Carmella goes back to
the chin lock. The referee throws one of
Naomi’s detached neon extensions out of the
ring. Natalya is watching backstage. Naomi
fights up and hits a backbreaker. Naomi kicks
her in the head, ducks a clothesline, and hits a
trio of her own. Naomi kicks wildly at her
before hitting a sit-out jawbreaker. Naomi kips
up. Carmella drops her on the apron, but
Naomi quickly kicks her in the head. Naomi
goes to the top rope, but Carmella stops her.
Naomi pushes her off and goes for a head-
scissor, but Naomi counters. Carmella pulls
the hair, but the referee backs her up. James
Ellsworth comes through the crowd and
knocks her off the top rope. Carmella then
superkicks her for the win!
Winner by Pinfall: Carmella
Carmella and James Ellsworth celebrate wildly
in the ring before leaving. Naomi looks
We’ll have an exclusive interview with
Shinsuke Nakamura, next.
-Commercial Break-
Natalya is backstage with Carmella and James
Ellsworth. Natalya says it’s good to see
Carmella with her chinless friend. He’s already
sticking his face where it doesn’t belong.
Natalya warns them to keep their noses out of
her business at SummerSlam. SummerSlam is
her time. If she sees either of them hanging
around, she’ll give Carmella a chin like him.
Ellsworth says the whole Women’s Division is
shaking and he’s only been back five minutes.
They sarcastically wish her luck. Natalya
looks nervous.

Shinsuke Nakamura sit
down interview

Renee Young is shown in a pre-taped promo
with Shinsuke Nakamura. She talks about him
making his debut on Smackdown Live two
days after WrestleMania. Nakamura says he
wanted to be in WWE and compete against
the best in the world. First it was NXT. Now
it’s Smackdown. Nakamura says John Cena
for the last decade has been the guy… but he
beat him. Nakamura can’t describe what it
was like to stand in the ring with Cena. She
mentions he’ll be observing the match tonight
between Randy Orton and Jinder Mahal. At
SummerSlam, he’ll face Mahal for the WWE
Championship. What does this opportunity
mean for him? Nakamura says this is his
destiny. He’ll be WWE Champion and the
Nakamura Dynasty begins.
Jinder Mahal’s music hits, and the WWE
Champion makes his way to the ring without
The Singh Brothers. Mahal gets in the ring
and poses. He’ll face Randy Orton in a Grudge
Match, next.

Non-Title Grudge Match
WWE Champion Jinder
Mahal vs. Randy Orton

They circle the ring before getting in to a
hockey fight. Mahal fights him back, but Orton
quickly overtakes him. The crowd boos Orton.
Mahal is actually from Canada. Mahal sends
him into the ropes, but Orton takes him down
with a Thesz Press. Mahal quickly gets out of
the ring to recover. Orton attacks him outside
and sends him into the barricade twice. Orton
then gives him a back suplex onto the
barricade. Orton puts him in the ring, but
Mahal immediately gets out. Orton goes
outside and clotheslines him on the floor.
Orton then gives him a back suplex onto the
commentary table. Orton clears the table and
gets in, but Mahal attacks him to a loud cheer.
Orton quickly clotheslines him out of the ring
and throws him over the table. Orton sets up
for an RKO on the table, but Mahal pushes
him off. Orton hits the barricade ribs-first and
falls into the timekeeper’s area.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Mahal
kneeing away at Orton. Mahal applies a chin
lock. Orton fights up and punches out. The
crowd is booing him. Mahal reverses a whip to
the corner and charges, but Orton sidesteps
him. Mahal hits the ring post shoulder-first.
Orton grabs him on the apron, but Mahal
snaps him off the top rope. Orton quickly
kicks him and connects with a superplex for a
near fall. Orton grabs Mahal and punches
away at him. Orton sends him into the ropes
and hits a pair of clotheslines followed by a
fall-away slam. Orton climbs to the middle
rope and starts the ten punches, but Mahal
gets out and sweeps the feet. Mahal hits the
ropes, but Orton comes right back with a snap
powerslam for a near fall. Orton punches and
kicks him. Mahal reverses a whip, but Orton
comes back with a back elbow. Mahal takes
him down with a quick high knee for a near
fall. Mahal stalks Orton, but Orton elbows him
and catches him with a hanging DDT. Orton
sets up for an RKO, but Mahal counters into a
roll-up for a near fall. Mahal then kicks him in
the face. Mahal goes for the Khallas, but
Orton counters into an RKO for the win!
Winner by Pinfall: Randy
Orton celebrates in the ring while replays are
shown of what just happened. Orton poses on
the ramp and tries to go to the back, but
Rusev comes out and superkicks him right
before the show goes to black!

Quick Match Results
* The Usos def. Tye Dillinger and Sami Zayn
via Submission
* Charlotte Flair def. Lana via Submission
* Carmella def. Smackdown Women’s
Champion Naomi (non-title)
* Randy Orton def. WWE Champion Jinder
Mahal (non-title)


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