What’s stopping you in life? Why do some
people appear stagnant, tied down and
restricted? Why are some other people
growing and ascending from level to
level yet, many others appear to be
stagnant or retarding in life? Let’s share
on that this morning, and today’s episode
I’ve titled “not the easy”.
The greatest enemy to growth in life is
easier choices. The fact that we have
the power of choice as mankind has
actually worked against many of us such
that when we have to make a choice or
decision, we decide or prefer to go for
easier choices not the best choices.
The configuration of life is to return so
much to people that give so much and to
return scantily to those who give very
little to anything they do in life.
Life is rules, what you sow is what you
reap. Many however don’t sow well, sow
correctly or sow right in life.
Ladies and gentlemen, life is not easy.
To tow the easiest part in life is to miss
out big time on life. Check out little
children, I mean babies learning to walk,
Life wouldn’t say because they are
babies and too young to understand, the
process of learning to stand and walk
should be easy or automatic. No way, life
would ensure even those little babies;
young as they are, learn to stand and
walk by paying the price. A little child
learning to walk will fall several times on
its butt. Sometimes the fall is painful and
the baby would cry. Life wouldn’t
because of that make that baby’s
learning experience easier or automatic.
The baby must pay the price if it wants
to stand, walk and eventually run. Life is
actually fair because it is unfair to
To progress, to advance and succeed in
life, you must pay the right price. You
can’t cheat life, you can’t cheat nature.
Life is a leveller, if in any way you think
you’ve cheated life, life will one day,
sooner than latter catch up with you and
demand full price for anything you
obtained unfairly.
If you want to advance, progress,
succeed and achieve greatness in life,
you must first and foremost acknowledge
the fact that there’s a price to
everything. You must afterwards find out
the right price for the kind of success
you want, then later, decide how and
when you will pay your full price for
whatever you want.
Many of us unfortunately don’t do this
because we don’t subscribe to this
ideology. Religious extremism have made
us think and believe being blessed is
receiving something you’ve not earned or
laboured for. You’re also told favour is
obtaining something you do not merit.
Please permit me to put the facts
straight regarding these thinking, you can
never be blessed beyond your capacity.
Whatever blessings you receive from God
is according to your capacity to handle it
because God will never put more on you
than that which you can bare. Favour
also is not the absence of labour, favour
is not a selection out of the unqualified;
it is being selected out of the very
When you are picked out from
amongst the most qualified and the best,
then you’re favoured. This is because
favour can only be retained through well-
developed capacity and character to
handle, and forming the right character
and building capacity itself is enough
labour. Favour is therefore not the
absence of labour.
Ladies and gentlemen, the ideology of
little effort plenty reward is not realistic
and is ungodly. It violates the principle of
sowing and reaping. Whatsoever a man
sows, same shall he reap, when you sow
sparingly, you reap sparingly, when you
sow bountifully, you reap bountifully.
When you work little you get little, when
you work so hard you get so much. This
naturally nullifies the religious postulation
of little effort mega returns, no, it
contradicts the law of nature and the law
of divinity.
Diligence with hard work is what brings
and guarantees promotion in this life,
don’t get it twisted.
If you know anyone that appears to be
working little and gaining much, believe
me, that person is working extremely
hard behind the scenes. The invisible
work carried out by that person on the
inside and where you do not see is what
is generating the huge returns you can
see and testify to on the outside.
Whiles you’re on your way to work, you
see some men at 9am or 10am on their
way to the golf course on a week day,
there’s the tendency to think they’re
working so little and enjoying so much,
don’t be envious, don’t be deceived my
friend, don’t think they’re lucky, believe
me most of those guys probably didn’t
sleep till 3am that morning. The work
many people carryout behind the scene
especially mental work is what is
producing the billions in their bank
Mental work is much more
tedious and rewarding than physical
labour. Ideas, these days rule the world.
To come up with a good idea that will
work within the dynamics of today’s
world is not easy my friend. It is the
creative people who do the mental work
that make employment possible for those
doing the physical work.
My dear friend, I want you to know that
in this life, nothing good comes easy.
The reason there are more poor people
than rich people in any nation or
community is because many people go
for what is easy, what is easy is common
and what is common is cheap. People
who choose the easy stuff are many and
common, based on this they are easily
replaceable, and consequently, they are
priced cheaply.
If you want to command very high price
in your industry or nation, you must
decide to learn and master what is tough
and difficult and uncommon. You must
discipline yourself and prepare your mind
to go for the very difficult and rate
qualities and competencies needed by
many organisations, businesses and
When very few of you or even only you
can do a particular thing, you can call
your price and customers will have no
choice but pay you what you bill.
But when you play in the easy, cheap,
popular and common field, you will not be
rich or valuable. The supply of your type
is too high, hence your price will keep
Dear friend, do you know nothing is life is
actually difficult or easy? It all bores
down to that determination and discipline
to master things.
To many of us, driving a tanker loaded
with fuel is quite a challenge and a most
difficult task even for very good drivers.
But as I journey by road around this
country, I’ve come across those tankers
and I find young boys in their early and
mid-twenties manoeuvre and drive these
tankers along unstable and treacherous
roads for days with ease. For them
they’ve mastered the art, it’s a piece of
To a little boy in primary 3 or 4,
committing to memory multiplication
table from 2 to twelve is a most difficult
thing. Even some of us adults today will
struggle with 9 X 7 and 12 X 9, it will
take us a while to remember. But this
same child after gaining mastery of
multiplication table will not only know
the answers, he would also apply to more
complex maths problems like algebra,
calculus, surds, bearing, longitude and
latitude and set theory.
My dear friend, nothing in this life is
difficult or easy. Mastery is the key to
all. If you’re willing to master anything,
after a while it becomes very easy. Your
body has been designed to stretch and
accept and cope with new knowledge
and skills every day. Once you submit
your mind and body to mastering
anything, it eventually becomes a part of
My dear friend, stop moving with the
flock of the easy and the common, come
out from amongst them and be separate.
Be outstanding and most valuable in your
capacity, ability and value delivery. Be
the best or one of the best at what you
do, and very quickly and easily, riches,
progress and prosperity would locate you.
Dear friend, ignore the easier route, pay
the right price.
people appear stagnant, tied down and
restricted? Why are some other people
growing and ascending from level to
level yet, many others appear to be
stagnant or retarding in life? Let’s share
on that this morning, and today’s episode
I’ve titled “not the easy”.
The greatest enemy to growth in life is
easier choices. The fact that we have
the power of choice as mankind has
actually worked against many of us such
that when we have to make a choice or
decision, we decide or prefer to go for
easier choices not the best choices.
The configuration of life is to return so
much to people that give so much and to
return scantily to those who give very
little to anything they do in life.
Life is rules, what you sow is what you
reap. Many however don’t sow well, sow
correctly or sow right in life.
Ladies and gentlemen, life is not easy.
To tow the easiest part in life is to miss
out big time on life. Check out little
children, I mean babies learning to walk,
Life wouldn’t say because they are
babies and too young to understand, the
process of learning to stand and walk
should be easy or automatic. No way, life
would ensure even those little babies;
young as they are, learn to stand and
walk by paying the price. A little child
learning to walk will fall several times on
its butt. Sometimes the fall is painful and
the baby would cry. Life wouldn’t
because of that make that baby’s
learning experience easier or automatic.
The baby must pay the price if it wants
to stand, walk and eventually run. Life is
actually fair because it is unfair to
To progress, to advance and succeed in
life, you must pay the right price. You
can’t cheat life, you can’t cheat nature.
Life is a leveller, if in any way you think
you’ve cheated life, life will one day,
sooner than latter catch up with you and
demand full price for anything you
obtained unfairly.
If you want to advance, progress,
succeed and achieve greatness in life,
you must first and foremost acknowledge
the fact that there’s a price to
everything. You must afterwards find out
the right price for the kind of success
you want, then later, decide how and
when you will pay your full price for
whatever you want.
Many of us unfortunately don’t do this
because we don’t subscribe to this
ideology. Religious extremism have made
us think and believe being blessed is
receiving something you’ve not earned or
laboured for. You’re also told favour is
obtaining something you do not merit.
Please permit me to put the facts
straight regarding these thinking, you can
never be blessed beyond your capacity.
Whatever blessings you receive from God
is according to your capacity to handle it
because God will never put more on you
than that which you can bare. Favour
also is not the absence of labour, favour
is not a selection out of the unqualified;
it is being selected out of the very
When you are picked out from
amongst the most qualified and the best,
then you’re favoured. This is because
favour can only be retained through well-
developed capacity and character to
handle, and forming the right character
and building capacity itself is enough
labour. Favour is therefore not the
absence of labour.
Ladies and gentlemen, the ideology of
little effort plenty reward is not realistic
and is ungodly. It violates the principle of
sowing and reaping. Whatsoever a man
sows, same shall he reap, when you sow
sparingly, you reap sparingly, when you
sow bountifully, you reap bountifully.
When you work little you get little, when
you work so hard you get so much. This
naturally nullifies the religious postulation
of little effort mega returns, no, it
contradicts the law of nature and the law
of divinity.
Diligence with hard work is what brings
and guarantees promotion in this life,
don’t get it twisted.
If you know anyone that appears to be
working little and gaining much, believe
me, that person is working extremely
hard behind the scenes. The invisible
work carried out by that person on the
inside and where you do not see is what
is generating the huge returns you can
see and testify to on the outside.
Whiles you’re on your way to work, you
see some men at 9am or 10am on their
way to the golf course on a week day,
there’s the tendency to think they’re
working so little and enjoying so much,
don’t be envious, don’t be deceived my
friend, don’t think they’re lucky, believe
me most of those guys probably didn’t
sleep till 3am that morning. The work
many people carryout behind the scene
especially mental work is what is
producing the billions in their bank
Mental work is much more
tedious and rewarding than physical
labour. Ideas, these days rule the world.
To come up with a good idea that will
work within the dynamics of today’s
world is not easy my friend. It is the
creative people who do the mental work
that make employment possible for those
doing the physical work.
My dear friend, I want you to know that
in this life, nothing good comes easy.
The reason there are more poor people
than rich people in any nation or
community is because many people go
for what is easy, what is easy is common
and what is common is cheap. People
who choose the easy stuff are many and
common, based on this they are easily
replaceable, and consequently, they are
priced cheaply.
If you want to command very high price
in your industry or nation, you must
decide to learn and master what is tough
and difficult and uncommon. You must
discipline yourself and prepare your mind
to go for the very difficult and rate
qualities and competencies needed by
many organisations, businesses and
When very few of you or even only you
can do a particular thing, you can call
your price and customers will have no
choice but pay you what you bill.
But when you play in the easy, cheap,
popular and common field, you will not be
rich or valuable. The supply of your type
is too high, hence your price will keep
Dear friend, do you know nothing is life is
actually difficult or easy? It all bores
down to that determination and discipline
to master things.
To many of us, driving a tanker loaded
with fuel is quite a challenge and a most
difficult task even for very good drivers.
But as I journey by road around this
country, I’ve come across those tankers
and I find young boys in their early and
mid-twenties manoeuvre and drive these
tankers along unstable and treacherous
roads for days with ease. For them
they’ve mastered the art, it’s a piece of
To a little boy in primary 3 or 4,
committing to memory multiplication
table from 2 to twelve is a most difficult
thing. Even some of us adults today will
struggle with 9 X 7 and 12 X 9, it will
take us a while to remember. But this
same child after gaining mastery of
multiplication table will not only know
the answers, he would also apply to more
complex maths problems like algebra,
calculus, surds, bearing, longitude and
latitude and set theory.
My dear friend, nothing in this life is
difficult or easy. Mastery is the key to
all. If you’re willing to master anything,
after a while it becomes very easy. Your
body has been designed to stretch and
accept and cope with new knowledge
and skills every day. Once you submit
your mind and body to mastering
anything, it eventually becomes a part of
My dear friend, stop moving with the
flock of the easy and the common, come
out from amongst them and be separate.
Be outstanding and most valuable in your
capacity, ability and value delivery. Be
the best or one of the best at what you
do, and very quickly and easily, riches,
progress and prosperity would locate you.
Dear friend, ignore the easier route, pay
the right price.
Saint Gabriel Concept
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