WWE SummerSlam Results – 8/20/17 (Fatal 4-Way headlines in Brooklyn)
August 20, 2017
Brooklyn, New York
Results by: Saint Gabriel Concept.
John Cena vs. Baron Corbin
Corbin has new music for his entrance tonight
in Brooklyn. Footage is shown of Corbin
cashing in his “Money in the Bank” briefcase
on Smackdown last Tuesday night against
Jinder Mahal and coming up short due to a
distraction by Cena.
The bell rings and Cena bails, puts in JBL’s
cowboy hat at ringside and describes Corbin
as being “shook” after what happened last
Tuesday night. Back inside, Corbin with big
knees and stomps to Cena. Corbin levels Cena
with his slide out/slide in clothesline. Corbin
catches Cena jumping off the ropes and plants
him with a quick slam that results in a two
count. Cena with quick dropkick to Corbin, but
Corbin shrugs it off and tosses Cena away.
Brooklyn with a “WHERE’S YOUR BRIEFCASE”
chant at Corbin. Cena plants Corbin with his
jumping shoulder blocks and twisting
powerbomb. Corbin avoids Five Knuckle
Shuffle and plants Cena with a chokeslam/
backbreaker combo for another two count.
Cena plants Corbin with a tornado DDT from
the corner and this time connects with Five
Knuckle Shuffle. Corbin with Deep Six
countering an AA attempt for another two.
Cena levels Corbin with a clothesline after
Corbin misses his and connects with an AA to
pick up the pinfall.
Winner: John Cena
WWE Smackdown Women’s
Naomi (c) vs. Natalya
Natalya slaps Naomi right after the bell rings.
Natalya takes a quick huricanrana takedown
from Naomi. Naomi slides on her knees and
slaps Natalya. Natalya launches Naomi face
first into the steel post from the ring apron.
We see a shot of Carmella and James
Ellsworth watching from backstage. Natalya
chokes Naomi over the second rope. Natalya
gets Naomi in an abdominal stretch and
catches Naomi with her discus clothesline.
Naomi with a side russian leg sweep on
Natalya off the second turnbuckle corner.
Naomi and Natalya exchange big elbows to
the jaw. Naomi hooks the head of Natalya in
her legs and drives her down face first into
the mat for a two count. Natalya with a
dropkick to the face of Naomi after avoiding
more body kick shots. Naomi with a slingshot
leg drop on Natalya over the ropes. Natalya
gets the Sharpshooter locked in. Naomi breaks
free launching Natalya into the corner.
Natalya counters a moonsault attempt and
goes right back to the Sharpshooter on Naomi.
Naomi taps out.
Winner and new WWE
Smackdown Women’s
Champion: Natalya
After the match, Natalya has a very confident
look on her face as she is handed the
Smackdown Women’s Championship. Naomi is
not pleased about losing.
The shark cage begins to lower inside the
ring. We see footage of the ongoing issues
between Enzo Amore and Big Cass involving
the Big Show. Back live, Enzo heads to the
ring and has a mic in hand. He talks about
always being played the hand he was dealt.
Enzo refers to himself as the Al Capone of
this microphone. He runs down Big Cass
saying he has no heart and tries to continue
when Big Cass walks out to interrupt.
Enzo Amore suspended
above the ring in a Shark
Big Cass vs. Big Show
Enzo has entered the Shark Cage
tonight in Brooklyn #SummerSlam
12:50 AM - Aug 21, 2017
Big Show with body shots to Cass in the
corner. Big Show with a chop to Cass in the
corner as Enzo shouts from the cage hanging
above. Big Show with a side slam on Cass, but
Big Show lands on his bad hand that is heavily
wrapped tonight. Big Show misses a jumping
splash on Cass in the corner. Cass with a
corner splash, misses a big boot and Big Show
lands with a KO punch using his bad hand.
Cass kicks out during a pinfall attempt. Cass
starts working over the bad hand of Big Show.
Getting a cluster of “BORING” chants from the
Brooklyn crowd as Cass continues to work on
the bad hand. Big Show with a left hand
clothesline and splash in the corner to Cass.
Big Show with a left hand chokeslam and Cass
kicks out. Cass bounces the bad hand of Big
Show off the steel ring post. Enzo is taking
his clothes off and trying to slide out of the
cage. Enzo is oiling himself up. Enzo is free!
Cass is looking up at him. Enzo falls to the
mat and Cass levels him with a big boot. Cass
backs up and catches Big Show with a big
boot. Big Show kicks out. Cass with a second
big boot and follows it up with a jumping
elbow. Cass gets the pinfall for the win.
Winner: Big Cass
Backstage, Kurt Angle is on the phone when
Daniel Bryan walks in. Bryan thinks
Smackdown will steal the show with the WWE
Championship match. Angle thinks the RAW
main event is more universal. They do a yes-
no chant back and forth.
Randy Orton vs. Rusev
Rusev jumps Orton during his entrance on the
corner. Rusev sends Orton face first into the
steel ring post at ringside. They return to the
ring and the referee checks on Orton. Orton
gets to his feet and gives the referee the okay
to start the match.
The bell rings and Orton with an RKO out of
no where. Orton gets the win!
Winner: Randy Orton
WWE RAW Women’s
Alexa Bliss (c) vs. Sasha
Bliss and Banks exchange elbows in the
corner early. Lots of early pinfall attempts by
both including Bliss catching Banks with a
cross body off the top rope. Bliss drops Banks
down face first over the mat after dropping
her over the second turnbuckle. Bliss with a
rear naked choke hanging Banks from the
corner sitting up on the top turnbuckle. Bliss
follows it up with double knees and knees off
a moonsault over Banks. Bliss is slammed to
the mat after countering another rear naked
choke attempt. Banks catches Bliss with a
running knee. Banks pulls Bliss down after a
series of counters. Bliss bounces the face of
Banks off her knee for a two count. Banks
counters a sunset flip attempt and bounces
Bliss off the corner head first. Banks with
double knees, a running knee and a two count
off a pinfall attempt on Bliss. Banks gets the
Bank Statement applied. Bliss reaches the
ropes and pulls herself out of the ring. Bliss
pulls Banks off the ring apron. Bliss catches
Banks with her Twisted Bliss off the top rope.
Banks gets a shoulder up. Bliss can’t believe
it. Banks has the Bank Statement locked in.
Bliss works over the bad shoulder of Banks.
Banks rolls through and gets the Bank
Statement applied. Banks wrenches back on
the submission. Bliss taps out.
Winner and new WWE RAW
Women’s Champion: Sasha
A video package runs hyping Finn Balor vs.
Bray Wyatt tonight.
Finn Balor vs. Bray Wyatt
Wyatt bails early and walks around the
ringside area. When back inside, Balor and
Wyatt with some exchanges and Balor drops
Wyatt early with two big slaps. Balor with a
snapmare, kick to the back and dropkick
combo on Wyatt. Balor leaps over the top rope
and takes out Wyatt after Wyatt rolled out.
Wyatt with a suplex on Balor to the floor from
inside the ring through the ropes with force.
Wyatt with a splash to Balor in the corner, but
Balor counters tripping up Wyatt and hitting a
double stomp to the chest. Balor catches
Wyatt with a dropkick through the ropes
followed by a stiff kick to the face. Back
inside, Balor catches Wyatt with a quick sling
blade off a counter. Wyatt plants Balor with a
modified Rock Bottom. Balor dropkicks Wyatt
right into the barricade on the outside and
tosses him back inside. Wyatt levels Balor
with a clothesline. Balor with a sling blade and
dropkicks Wyatt to the corner. Balor goes up
to the top rope, jumps, connects with Coup de
Grace and gets the win.
Winner: Finn Balor
WWE RAW Tag Team
Sheamus and Cesaro (c’s)
vs. Dean Ambrose and Seth
We start with Dean Ambrose and Cesaro.
Cesaro quickly tags out to Sheamus after a
lock up with Ambrose. Seth Rollins tags
himself in after Ambrose plants Sheamus with
a suplex and Rollins follows it up with a knee.
Ambrose sneaks in a quick elbow on his way
out. Cesaro gets the tag and uppercuts Rollins
who was placed up on the top turnbuckle by
Sheamus. Tag to Ambrose who helps level
Cesaro with Rollins. Ambrose with a knee/
dropkick to Cesaro, Rollins gets the tag and
dropkicks Cesaro. Ambrose sends Sheamus
out of the ring when he jumps in. Sheamus
and Cesaro dumps Rollins on the outside
blocking a suicide dive attempt. Sheamus hit a
Brogue Kick to Ambrose earlier. Cesaro
launches Rollins with a release side suplex
and tags in Sheamus. Quick tag back to
Cesaro who connects with a shot off the top
rope on Rollins. Rollins fights off Cesaro and
Sheamus in the corner including a Blockbuster
from the corner on Cesaro. Tag to Sheamus
and Ambrose is still down on the outside.
Brooklyn has a beach ball going in the crowd.
Cesaro bails out of the ring and tears it up.
Back inside, Cesaro gets the tag and gets
tossed out favoring his knee. Tag to Sheamus
who goes after Ambrose who is back up in the
corner. Rollins fights off Cesaro at ringside,
but Sheamus gets involved. Ambrose is up top
nearby and takes out Sheamus, Cesaro and
catches Rollins a bit. Ambrose tosses Rollins
back inside the ring and returns to his corner.
Hot tag to Ambrose. Ambrose levels Cesaro
with a clothesline and gets in a slingshot dive
to Sheamus. Tag to Rollins who teams up with
Ambrose to clothesline Sheamus and Cesaro
over the top rope. Double suicide dive by
Ambrose and Rollins to Sheamus and Cesaro.
Rollins with a sling blade on Cesaro with
Ambrose holding him. Cesaro catches
Ambrose with an uppercut. Cesaro and
Ambrose exchange shots with Ambrose
landing his clothesline off the ropes. Tag to
Sheamus who levels Ambrose with a dropkick
in the corner. Ambrose and Rollins double
team Sheamus in the corner with Rollins
getting the tag. Ambrose with a suplerplex and
Rollins follows with a splash off the top.
Cesaro breaks up the pinfall. Ambrose has the
tag as they double team Sheamus with
stomps in the corner. Sheamus plants
Ambrose after Cesaro prevented a double
powerbomb attempt by Ambrose and Rollins.
Cesaro Swing on Ambrose. Cesaro locks on
the Sharpshooter. Sheamus with a rolling
senton to Rollins on the outside. Cesaro rolls
through into a crossface to keep Ambrose
grounded. Sheamus with a cheap shot off the
referee distraction. Tag to Sheamus who goes
up top and clotheslines Ambrose down with
Ambrose on the shoulders of Cesaro. Double
crucifix powerbomb on Ambrose and Rollins
breaks it up. Ambrose dares them to come
forward. Cesaro and Sheamus attack
Ambrose. Rollins with a huricanrana sending
Cesaro into Sheamus. Rollins with a superkick,
high knee and Dirty Deeds by Ambrose on
Sheamus for the pinfall.
Winners and new WWE RAW
Tag Team Champions: Dean
Ambrose and Seth Rollins
A video package runs hyping tonight’s main
event for the Universal Championship.
WWE Universal
Championship – Fatal 4-
Brock Lesnar (c) w/ Paul
Heyman vs. Roman Reigns
vs. Braun Strowman vs.
Samoa Joe
Loud reactions for all four men tonight in
Brooklyn. We get official ring introductions for
the challengers Reigns, Strowman and Joe.
Paul Heyman stops JoJo and takes the mic to
do the official introduction for the champion
The bell rings and here we go. Joe goes after
Lesnar. Strowman goes after Reigns. Lesnar
with an overhead suplex on Joe early. Reigns
sends Strowman into the steel ring post.
Reigns and Lesnar are staring each other
down as Reigns gets back inside. Lesnar with
a german suplex on Reigns and Joe.
Strowman is now inside the ring walking right
at Lesnar. Reigns and Joe slide in to break it
up. Strowman clotheslines Joe and Lesnar
clotheslines Reigns near the corner. We are
left with Lesnar and Strowman again.
Strowman levels Lesnar with a clothesline
over the top rope! Reigns attempts the same
on Strowman, but Strowman shoves him away.
Joe with a rear naked choke on Lesnar on the
outside. Reigns with a spear to Lesnar
through the ring barricade! Joe plants Reigns
on one of the announce tables. Strowman
levels Joe sending him over the table.
Strowman tosses Lesnar over his shoulder and
gives him a running powerslam through
another announce table at ringside! Joe with a
suicide dive that catches Reigns through the
ropes. Heyman is pleading with Lesnar to get
up near the broken table. Strowman throws a
chair at Reigns and Joe. Strowman again puts
Lesnar on his shoulder and drives him through
another announce table at ringside! Strowman
picks up the third announce table and drops it
on top of Lesnar. Heyman is yelling at
Strowman to stop. WWE producers run down
and move the table off Lesnar along with
WWE officials. They are bringing out EMT’s
and a stretcher for Lesnar. Brooklyn starts to
sing the “GOODBYE” song at Lesnar.
Strowman is smiling as he grabs the top of
the steel steps and hits Joe with them.
Strowman his Reigns with the steps.
Strowman with a second shot to Joe and
throws the steps inside the ring. Reigns with
repeated clotheslines to Strowman in the
corner. Reigns throws the steel steps at
Strowman. Reigns with a second shot using
the steps. Reigns with a third shot with the
steps sending Strowman out of the ring.
Reigns nearly drops the steps on Strowman.
Joe with his boot and running senton over
Reigns. Reigns with a samoan drop on Joe.
Joe goes for the rear naked choke. Strowman
with a double chokeslam on Reigns and Joe.
Strowman is busted open near his left ear.
Lesnar is heading back to the ring walking
down the ramp. WWE officials are trying to
hold him back. Lesnar is back inside and
tackles Strowman throwing big right hands.
Lesnar knocks Strowman over the top rope.
German suplex on Reigns and Joe. Strowman
avoids a german from Lesnar. Lesnar jumps
on Strowman trying to apply the kimura.
Reigns with a Superman to Strowman, Lesnar
and Joe. Reigns catches Lesnar with a spear.
Lesnar gets a shoulder up. Joe has the choke
on Reigns. Strowman dropkicks Reigns into
Joe. Strowman with a powerslam on Joe.
Lesnar pulls the referee out. Superman on
Lesnar. Superman on Strowman inside the
ring. Strowman powers out of the pinfall
standing Reigns back up. Strowman with a
powerslam on Reigns. Lesnar breaks it up.
Reigns with a spear to Strowman when
Strowman had Lesnar on his shoulder. Joe
tosses Reigns out. Joe with a choke on
Lesnar. Lesnar with an F5 on Joe. Reigns
breaks it up. Superman to Lesnar. Lesnar falls
into the ropes. Superman to Lesnar again.
Lesnar is staying up holding the ropes.
Another Superman that drops Lesnar. Lesnar
with an F5. Lesnar gets the pinfall!
Winner and still WWE
Universal Champion: Brock
Quick Match Results:
* John Cena def. Baron Corbin
* Natalya def. Naomi to become the new
WWE Smackdown Women’s Champion
* Big Cass def. Big Show
* Randy Orton def. Rusev
* Sasha Banks def. Alexa Bliss to become the
new WWE RAW Women’s Champion
* Finn Balor def. Bray Wyatt
* Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins def.
Sheamus and Cesaro to become the new WWE
RAW Tag Team Champions
* AJ Styles def. Kevin Owens to retain the
WWE United States Championship
* Jinder Mahal def. Shinsuke Nakamura to
retain the WWE Championship
* Brock Lesnar def. Roman Reigns, Braun
Strowman and Samoa Joe to retain the WWE
Universal Championship
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